CTC logo DanDipert FINAL 03 2 Tardy Policy

1st Tardy – Pass to class and conference with teacher

2nd Tardy – Pass to class and conference with teacher

3rd Tardy – Pass to class, conference with administration

4th Tardy – Pass to class

  1. Meeting with administration
  2. Discuss issues for tardiness
  3. Develop Plan of Correction to address tardy issue
  4. Verbal communication with parent/guardian
  5. Warning letter sent to student and parent/guardian.

5th Tardy – Pass to class

  1. Meeting with administration
  2. Review plan – make changes if necessary
  3. Verbal communication with parent/guardian

6th Tardy – Pass to class

  1. Meeting with administration
  2. Writing assignment issued to student (Time management techniques, Possible consequences for tardiness at work/college, etc..)
  3. Written notification to parent

7th Tardy – Pass to class

  1. Meeting with administration
  2. Writing assignment issued to student (Personal reflections and changes to actions to improve attendance).
  3. Warning letter issued to student & parent (each additional tardy will be referral to home campus)

8th and all additional Tardies – Pass to class

  1. Referral to home campus – Consequences issued by home campus (Detention, ISS, etc..)