Mrs. Humbles’ Principal’s Message January 9, 2024
Hi Colts,
Happy New Year! I hope you are all enjoying these last few moments of winter break.
The staff reported back today and we spent some time together reflecting on 2023 while looking ahead to 2024. As we discussed our progress toward the goals we set last year, I talked about 2 types of people - Optimizers and Catastrophers.
The Optimizer is someone who sees obstacles as temporary and solvable. They know that the obstacle is not a personal attack. They take ownership where they can and know they have control somewhere in every situation.
The Catastropher is the opposite. We become Catastrophers when we see things as a catastrophe. Catastrophers think that obstacles are unsolvable and out of their control. They see problems as permanent and lasting forever. And they feel that other people are out to get them.
This year, I encourage you all to try to be an Optimizer. When you feel yourself getting into catastrophe mode, remind yourself that things are not permanent, no one is out to get you, and that you can control something in each situation. And then, take action.
In case I haven't mentioned it enough, the 2nd semester is A LOT. The adjustment period is long over and expectations are high for our students here on campus. I know that as parents, you are also raising expectations for your students at home. Remember, they can handle a lot. Let them struggle. Help them to see that the obstacles they face are temporary and solvable and that no one is out to get them. Help them take action, but don't do it for them. Let them feel what it is to be an Optimizer.
Have a great 2024, Colts.
Stacie Humbles, Principal
Arlington High School
First here. Best here.
Important Dates:
January: School Board Appreciation Month
1/9: A Day - 1st day of Semester 2 (Students should check Self Serve portal for updated schedule); Law Enforcement Appreciation Day; BBB/GBB v. SGP
1/10: M Wrestling @ Midlo Heritage
1/11: LCS Tournament; W Wrestling @ Trinity
1/12: BBB/GBB @ Lamar; Wrestling Tourney @ San Antonio
1/13: All Region Band Concert @ CVPA
1/15: MLK Day - NO SCHOOL
1/16: BBB/GBB v. Martin
1/17: M Wrestling @ Burleson
1/18: LCS Tourney
1/19: Snack Shack Sales; W Wrestling @ AISD Athletic Complex
1/20: All Region Orchestra Concert @ CVPA
1/22: LCS JV @ Gopher Bowl
1/23: JV1 Tennis @ Lamar; Wrestling Senior Night v. GP/SGP; BBB/GBB @ GP; LCS V v. GP
1/24: Mr. Colt @ CVPA
1/26: LCS JV/V v. Haltom; BBB/GBB v. Haltom
1/27: District Swim Meet; SB v. Crowley
1/29: Colt Trail Drive (for Future Colts) in Gym A; SB v. Lake Highlands; LCS JV v. Bowie
1/30: BBB/GBB v. Bowie; LCS V @ Bowie
2/2: BBB/GBB v. SGP; SB @ Nimitz; LCS V v. SGP; LCS JV @ SGP
2/3: Show Choir Cowtown Classic; Baseball @ Crandall