Bids due July 26 for future Fine Arts Center and Athletics Complex

Schematic design concept of Athletics Complex pool

June 27, 2018 -  The Board of Education of Arlington Independent School District will receive sealed proposals for the construction of the Arlington ISD Fine Arts Center and Athletics Complex (CSP 19-10).

About the project
This project includes two new ground-up facilities - the Fine Arts Center and Athletics Complex - at the same location. Visit the webpages for each for more details.

Bids are due Thursday, July 26, 2018, by 2 p.m., and should be delivered to the AISD Purchasing Office at the JW Counts Administration Building located at 1203 W. Pioneer Parkway, Arlington, TX 76013. Late bids cannot be accepted according to law.

Be sure to see the bid documents for full instructions.

Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the AISD Purchasing Office at the JW Counts Administration Building (1203 W. Pioneer Parkway, Arlington, TX 76013) or on the AISD purchasing website.

Pre-proposal meeting
A pre-proposal meeting will be held Monday, July 9, 2018, at 2 p.m. at the JW Counts Administration Building located at 1203 W. Pioneer Parkway, Arlington, TX 76013.

For questions, please email Please see CSP specifications for dates and information.