School Hours


AM - 8:20 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.

PM - 12:35 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.

Kindergarten - 6th

8:20 a.m. - 3:35 p.m.


Regular and timely school attendance is critical for students to be successful. Taking responsibility for being at school on time and for the full day is a life skill that we teach our students. We ask for your support in helping your children learn habits that will help him/her be successful at school and throughout life.


It is important to note that excessive unexcused absences/tardies are subject to disciplinary action by school administrators. Excessive tardiness, causing interruption to classroom instruction, will result in disciplinary action. At Bryant, consequences will be assigned when students have five (5) or more tardies per semester. Texas Education Code states that children must adhere to the 90% attendance law.

Bryant Elementary must enforce and encourage the following state guidelines:

  • Nine or more absences per semester exceeds 90% attendance requirement. If a student fails to attend 90% of the days, promotion to the next grade level may be in jeopardy.
  • Each group of three (3) unexcused tardies within the same six weeks grading period equals one (1) unexcused absence.
  • If a parent/guardian fails to send a child to school as required by law, a warning shall be issued by the school and/or attendance officer.

For the safety of your child, please notify the front office by 9:00 am each day your child will be absent from school. Failure to notify the office will result in an absence being coded as “unexcused”. If your child is absent for three or more consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required upon his/her return to school.

Please refer to AISD Student Code of Conduct for additional information regarding the attendance policy.

Make-Up work after absence

Students who experience an excused absence may make up missed assignments. Students will receive a one-day extension for each excused absence in which they may turn in missed work. Failure to complete assignments will result in a zero for such assignments. It is the responsibility of the students/parent to request make-up work. Homework will be available at 3:30 the day of the absence in the front office, if requested when calling in student absence that morning.