School Hours
- 7:30am Doors open
- 7:40am Breakfast served
- 8:10am Enter Classrooms
- 8:20am Tardy bell
- 3:35pm Dismissal
Student Absence
- Call the school office by 10:00am if your student is absent for any reason.
- If you know your student will be absent you can tell us ahead of time.
AISD policy requires us to call you if we have not heard from you on the day of absence. This policy is for the safety of our students. - After 3 consecutive days of illness, a note from a doctor is required to make day 4 and any following consecutive days an excused absence.
Students Arriving Late (Tardy)
- Students who are not in the classroom by 8:20am should come to the office for a tardy pass before going to class.
- To be counted present for the day students must check in by 10:20am.
- If a student is arriving late due to a medical appointment, bring a doctor's note and the student will be marked present for the day.
Students Leaving Early
- Parents must come into the office to sign their child out and have them called to the office.
- Only someone you list on your child's registration may pick up your child.
- Your child must be in the building at 10:00am or they will be marked absent; if your child had a medical appointment and you provide us with a doctor's note for the appointment they will not be marked absent.
- Allow enough time to have your child called to the office since classes are not always in the classroom. You may send a note with your child to let the teacher know you will be picking up early.
- Students will not be checked out after 3pm.
- Photo ID is required to check out a student.
- Call your student's daycare if they will not be riding the bus home.
Phone Numbers and Contacts
We must be able to reach a parent or person designated by the parent, in case of illness or injury to your child. Come into the school office or send a note to update information.
- Make-up work will not be sent home until the student has been absent from school at least two days. If the child is absent only one day, he/she will receive the work when he/she returns to school the next day. If a child is absent more than one day, the parent may request the homework on the second day of absence.
- The parent must call by 10:00 a.m. to request make-up work. This will allow the teacher time to get make-up work ready. Make-up work may be picked up after 3:25 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. if the parent has called by 9 a.m. Many days someone is at school until long after 4:30 p.m. If you need to pick up work after 4:30 p.m., please request to pick it up later. If work is requested, then the make-up work should be picked up and completed. Parents who fail to pick up requested work may be denied this courtesy by the building principal.
- Students will be given one school day to return completed work for each school day the child is absent with an excused absence In the case of extended illness, the teacher will work with the student to determine a reasonable time to have all make-up work completed. In accordance with AISD School Board policy, when a student is absent with unexcused absence, the student will receive a zero for each grade taken while he/she was absent. This includes grades taken in the afternoon when the student leaves early for a reason that does not meet the criteria of “excused” absence.
- Make-up work will be placed in a designated place in the office for parent pick-up. An assignment sheet with the student's name will identify the make-up work for each student.
- If you are planning to take your child out of school and are requesting make-up work in advance, please be sure to contact the school office first. Requests for make-up work in advance should be put in writing with the reason for the absence.
- If you have questions about this policy, please call the school to discuss your questions or concerns. As always, if you have a special situation or extenuating circumstances that should be considered in regards to make-up work for your child, please call to discuss the situation with the teacher or administrator.