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Credit by Exam (CBE) for Grade Level Acceleration
and Course Credit
Grades K-12
Arlington ISD offers exams for acceleration for each primary school grade level (with no prior instruction) and for high school course credit (with no prior instruction and with prior instruction) for students enrolled in AISD. The exams are designed to assess the student’s mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for a grade level or course.
Arlington ISD uses state-approved criterion-referenced exams developed by The University of Texas at Austin. In the case of language courses for which a CBE is not available from The University of Texas at Austin, an attempt will be made to secure an exam that meets all of the requirements from another provider. For example, an AVANT STAndards-based Measurement of Proficiency (STAMP) Monolingual exam will be offered to native speakers that meet the eligibility. Currently, this exam is available in Arabic and Spanish. CBEs, with the exception of those for Languages Other Than English (LOTE) academic subjects, are only available in English. Online exams will be utilized for grades 3-12 unless the exam is only available in a paper format. Paper exams will be utilized for students in grades K-2.
Course study guides are available on The University of Texas at Austin website ( Students are encouraged to review the study guides prior to testing. Study guides for Communication Applications, English, Art, and PE are essential as these exams have specific requirements.
Early Placement in First Grade for Students Who Successfully Completed Kindergarten in an Out-of-District Accredited School
In accordance with state and district guidelines, children who successfully completed kindergarten in an out-of-district school and meet each of the following requirements are eligible for early placement in first grade:
- The child is five years of age on or before September 1 in the school year for which the early placement is being considered.
- The school where the child successfully completed kindergarten is accredited.
- The kindergarten teacher and director/principal of the accredited school where the child successfully completed kindergarten recommend the child’s enrollment in first grade.