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Each session listed in this guide has a suggested target audience. The three target audience levels are:

  1. All Audiences - a session that will likely benefit all levels of learners
  2. Paint by Numbers - a session well-suited for fairly ‘new to Canvas’ learners
  3. Joy of Painting - a session likely to push a seasoned-Canvas to unexplored possibilities & functions


S16: Coaching Digital Citizenship

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .5 hours

Presenter(s): Tamara Jackson, Butler Elementary School

Session Type: Discussion

Session Description: Discuss how teachers and librarians can coach and reinforce good digital citizenship with students (on a daily basis).

Time: 8:30 - 9:05

Room: B200

S17: Peer and Teacher Feedback Tools

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .5 hours

Presenter(s): Steve Simpson, Instructional Technology Department

Session Type: Seminar

Session Description: See and hear about all the dynamic ways that teachers can provide meaningful and timely feedback to their students in Canvas. Also, introduction to the 'Peer Review' function in Canvas.

Time: 8:30 - 9:05

Room: B210

S18: Celebrate the Learning!

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .5 hours

Presenter(s): Katie O’Connor, Roark Elementary School

Session Type: Discussion

Session Description: Let's face it: we could all benefit from more celebration in our lives and that goes for our students, too! Engage in a discussion with colleagues about how intentional and regular celebrations might be accomplished via Canvas functions like Discussions and Announcements.

Time: 8:30 - 9:05

Room: B204

S19: Introduction to Course Groups

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .75 hours

Presenter(s): Sandra Geil, Lamar High School

Session Type: Learning Lab

Session Description: A quick and basic introduction to course groups in Canvas, including an overview of the group homepage, settings for creating and managing groups' membership, and assigning collaborative group tasks.

Time: 9:15 - 9:55

Room: B210

S20: Formative Feedback in Math Classrooms

Audience: Joy of Painting

Credit Hours: .75 hours

Presenter(s): Kimi Corp, Young Junior High School

Session Type: Seminar

Session Description: This learning lab will demonstrate how to add formative feedback to Canvas Quizzes in order to give students immediate feedback as well as built-in scaffolding with specific examples for a math classroom.

Time: 9:15 - 9:55

Room: B200

S21: Course Groups for Group Projects

Audience: Joy of Painting

Credit Hours: 1.5 hours

Presenter(s): Jennifer Spraggins, Martin High School

Session Type: Learning Lab

Session Description: Dive deeper into the various functions and tools that are available to students working in Canvas course groups. Leave the session with a plan for using groups in your classroom during the 1st Six Weeks!

Time: 10:05 - 11:30

Room: A111

S22: Student ePortfolios

Audience: Joy of Painting

Credit Hours: 1.5 hours

Presenter(s): Brandi Hammel, Instructure (Canvas)

Session Type: Learning Lab

Session Description: Every Canvas user can create one or more ePortfolios (professional or academic) in order to showcase learning growth, artifacts, and successes. ePortfolios can be shared and open for commenting. Come learn about and create your first Canvas ePortfolio!

Time: 10:05 - 11:30

Room: A109

S23: Collaborative Teacher Design

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: 0.5 hours

Presenter(s): Crystal Lee, Young JH

Session Type: Seminar

Session Description: Hear and see how PLC colleagues work on collaborative design projects in Canvas in a 'Sandbox' course!

Time: 10:05 - 10:40

Room: B200

S24: Students Want (Useful) Feedback

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .5 hours

Presenter(s): Chasity Johnson, Bowie High School

Session Type: Discussion

Session Description: Discuss the best ways for getting students involved in the feedback loop. After all, the best kind of feedback is the feedback that students see, consider, and respond to!

Time: 10:05 - 10:40

Room: B204

S25: Using the Calendar & Course Announcements

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .75 hours

Presenter(s): Ashley Walker, Beckham Elementary School

Session Type: Learning Lab

Session Description: The top-two underutilized, but most awesome, functions in Canvas, come play around with the extremely dynamic course calendar and course announcements.

Time: 10:50 - 11:30

Room: B206

S26: Supporting Social-Emotional Learning via Canvas

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .75 hours

Presenter(s): Casey Cage, Young Junior High

Session Type: Seminar

Session Description: See and hear examples of how Canvas can be used for more than just addressing TEKS. The system can also be leveraged to build relationships and provide students with frequent opportunities for checking in on their own well-being.

Time: 10:50 - 11:30

Room: B204

S27: Embedding External Collaboration & Communication Tools

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .75 hours

Presenter(s): Lisa Latimer, Turning Point Secondary School

Session Type: Learning Lab

Session Description: Many of the web-tools that are commonly utilized to provide students with communication & collaboration opportunities can be easily embedded in Canvas. Learn how easy it is and practice with your favorite web-tool.

Time: 10:50 - 11:30

Room: B200

S28: Using Chat & (Web) Conferences

Audience: Joy of Painting

Credit Hours: 1.5 hours

Presenter(s): Brandi Hammel, Instructure (Canvas)

Session Type: Learning Lab

Session Description: Chat and Conferences are two functions available in every Canvas course, yet few teachers have stopped to consider how they might strategically use both at the right place and time in their course. Come and experience these underutilized, yet powerful, communication tools.

Time: 1:00 - 2:25

Room: A109

S29: Discussions Worth Having

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .5 hours

Presenter(s): Jessica Wilson, Arlington High School

Session Type: Seminar

Session Description: This seminar, aka 'Discussions That Don't Suck', will focus on the attributes of high-quality online and blended discussions and address facilitation strategies that encourage thoughtful and ongoing student participation.

Time: 1:00 - 1:35

Room: B210

S30: Canvas Connections in the Library

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .5 hours

Presenter(s): Margaret Resendez, Anderson Elementary School

Session Type: Seminar

Session Description: See how one AISD librarian utilizes Canvas to integrate technology, provide enrichment opportunities for students, and deliver digital citizenship curriculum.

Time: 1:00 - 1:35

Room: B204

S31: Using Rubrics in Canvas

Audience: Joy of Painting

Credit Hours: .75 hours

Presenter(s): Susan Anderson, Instructional Technology Department

Session Type: Seminar

Session Description: With quality rubrics in Canvas, students know exactly how they'll be assessed and teachers can quickly grade student work with just a few clicks. With rubrics, everyone wins!

Time: 1:45 - 2:25

Room: B206

S32: Using Assignment Groups

Audience: Joy of Painting

Credit Hours: .5 hours

Presenter(s): RJ Williams, Martin High School

Session Type: Seminar

Session Description: Learn how to use assignment groups, weighted grade calculations, and other 'advanced' grade book functions in your Canvas course.

Time: 2:35 - 3:10

Room: B210

S33: Using Speedgrader & Gradebook to Communicate

Audience: Joy of Painting

Credit Hours: .75 hours

Presenter(s): Jennifer Spraggins, Martin High School

Session Type: Learning Lab

Session Description: See and hear the ways in which a teacher can use Speedgrader and the Canvas Gradebook to communicate with individual students, targeted groups, and/or the entire class.

Time: 3:20 - 4:00

Room: B200

S34: Classroom Website via Canvas

Audience: Paint by Numbers

Credit Hours: .75 hours

Presenter(s): Mandy Doud, Young Junior High School

Session Type: Learning Lab

Session Description: An opportunity to hear from a classroom teacher who uses her Canvas course to host a 'classroom website' and a chance to begin the design of your own 'site'!

Time: 3:20 - 4:00

Room: B204