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Intervention Specialists work with students in grades K-12 and alternative schools to:

  • provide information about the dangers of using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
  • provide substance abuse counseling in small groups and individually on a confidential basis
  • provide on-going classroom guidance on substance abuse issues and resisting peer pressure
  • provide staff development to help school personnel identify symptoms of substance use

Facilitating Parent Involvement

Parental involvement is important in successfully addressing the problem of underage drinking and drug use. Intervention Specialists, therefore, seek to involve the parents in the counseling process whenever possible. Intervention Specialists also speak to PTA and other parent support groups to provide up to date information on substance abuse and developmental issues.

Working with the Community

Intervention Specialists work with various organizations in the community to:

  • help facilitate community-based support services for youth and adults to address substance abuse issues
  • link community agencies and schools to utilize existing services thereby increasing efficient use of resources

Trained, Degreed, Experienced Professionals

Intervention Specialists are all degreed professionals with extensive training and experience in dealing with substance abuse issues.  They have had specialized training in conducting in-depth assessments including the administration of the SASSI (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory.)

