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Daily Wellness Survey

The wellness survey is to be completed by every parent and student daily. This page provides guidance on understanding how the application works and explains how to use the dashboard for campuses and departments.

Please scan the QR code below or click here to complete the survey.

For more information, please read our Frequently Asked Questions.


Step 1

A daily email is sent between 4:00 AM - 6:00 AM to the parent email address on file. The email is sent from

Step 2

The parent/student completes the wellness survey. The wellness survey has a drop down menu for English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Step 3

At the completion of the survey the parent/student and staff will receive a verification response based on how they answered the survey questions for that day.

  • Eligible to attend in person class, work, or activities ( Approved)
  • Not eligible to attend in-person class, work, or activities (Not Approved)

Step 4

A daily response is recorded in the Qualtrics dashboard for campus/department view.   

  • Principals, AP’s and the campus nurse will have access to the Qualtrics dashboard.
  • Daily verification should be done for every student.

Step 5

Options for proof of completing the survey:

  • Campuses may choose to ask the parent/student to show them the response from the daily survey (drop off, students with phones)
  • The dashboard will show names of students in alpha order and can be used to check names

Frequently Asked Questions

No, the ID number is linked to each student's name and campus. It is required to complete the daily survey.

Yes. You must complete a separate survey for each child.

Only the one experiencing symptoms is not approved to attend school unless the sibling who is ill has a positive COVID test. Once a positive case is determined, all children in the household would not be approved to attend school and should enter into quarantine.

If anyone tests positive in a household, the Tarrant County Public Health office (TCPH) will order a quarantine for that family.  Nurse Minnerly, AISD Health Services Coordinator, has direct contact with the TCPH and receives a report of affected households.

Campuses are expected to verify and monitor that wellness screening has occurred for every student and staff member. Access has been provided to principals, AP’s, the campus nurse, and district managers. No other campus/district personnel can be added to the dashboard. Dashboard data can only be exported into an excel document for screening verification.