
If your student will be absent for any reason, it is very important that you call the office daily to report the absence. Please be sure that we have updated numbers on file at all times in case we need to contact you. We will not do early dismissals after 2:30 pm. If you need to make an afternoon appointment, please be aware of this policy change. We will accept parent notes to excuse absences up until the fifth absence. After that, a doctor's note will be required to excuse any further absences. Students not participating in planned after school activities, who are not picked up by 3:40 pm, must be picked up and signed out from the front office. Our doors do not open until 7:40 am. Children are not to be left unattended before this time. For student safety, do not drop off students before our doors open. Please be aware, schools and school officials are legally obligated to report negligent behavior toward children to CPS. If we feel a child is being abused or neglected we will contact the appropriate authority.


First Tardy Bell - 8:05 am

Second Tardy Bell - 8:20 am

Students will be marked tardy if not in class when the last tardy bell rings at 8:20 am.

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 7:50 am - 4:20 pm.

Friday 7:50 am - 3:50 pm.