Board approves bond construction for Ellis Elementary

Ellis Elementary

Aug. 5, 2016 – The AISD Board of Trustees approved the guaranteed maximum price for bond-funded construction projects at Ellis Elementary at the Aug. 4 board meeting. Construction is scheduled to begin this fall and conclude next summer.

Ellis, like all AISD elementary schools, will receive two STEM labs, a strings room and security vestibule, along with a number of life-cycle and deficiency upgrades. Unlike most elementaries though, Ellis will require a four-classroom addition to house the STEM labs, strings room and a music room. The life-cylce and deficiency upgrades include the security vestibule, roof repairs, mechanical and electrical upgrades and parking lot/fire lane improvements.

Click here for more details about the scope of work at Ellis.

The Board also approved bond-funded construction work at the AISD's Mac Bernd Professional Development Center. Work is scheduled to begin this fall and conclude early next fall. The scope of work includes site paving repairs, roof replacement, minor structural repairs and mechanical replacement for life-cycle deficiencies identified in the bond program assessment for the facility.