About the AISD STEM Academy
The AISD STEM Academy debuted at Martin High School during the fall of 2015. The Academy was designed by teachers in partnership with the University of Texas at Arlington. Our mission is to prepare students to successfully enter into STEM college majors and careers through relevant, innovative and rigorous learning experiences at the high school and college level. Students earn credits along four pathways - engineering, biology/biomedical science, computer science and math/science. Students in the STEM Academy will have a chance to complete a number of first and second year STEM college courses at the University of Texas at Arlington prior to high school graduation. Students are also able to advance their STEM education outside the classroom with opportunities such as internships, mentorships, job shadowing, community service, enrichment programs and summer learning opportunities.
AISD Specialized Program Application is NOW OPEN!
Click HERE to Apply!
Important Dates
October 22nd, 2024-- Application Opens at 12:00pm
October 22, 2024-- Explore AISD, Dan Dipert CTC, 6:00pm-7:30pm
November 14, 2024-- Parent Information Meeting #1, Martin Auditorium, 6:30pm-8:00pm
December 10, 2024-- Virtual Information Meeting, Teams Link, 6:30pm-8:00pm, Click HERE to access Zoom Meeting
December 14, 2024-- STEM Open House, Martin Cafeteria, 10:00am-12:00pm
January 9, 2025-- Parent Information Meeting #2, Martin Auditorium, 6:30pm-8:00pm-- CANCELLED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER
January 13, 2025-- Application Closes at 5:00pm
After the Application Closes
January 23, 2025-- Application Reading
January 27, 2025-- Invites to Interview go out at 4:30pm
February 4, 2025-February 5, 2025-- STEM Interviews
February 27, 2025-- All Specialized Program Invitations sent via email at 4:30pm
March 5, 2025-- Acceptance Decisions due to Inviting Program
STEM Academy Students Join Space Program
Congratulations to the Martin STEM Academy students who traveled to Kennedy Space Center to watch a Space-X Falcon 9 rocket carry their SSEP (Student Spaceflight Experiment Program) project to the International Space Station on November 4th at 9:29pm ET. Once aboard, the student experiment will be conducted by astronauts in microgravity. This was the culminating event of almost 2 years of work and dedication! It was an incredible experience! Congratulations to all students and staff for an incredible job!