Important AP College Board Message AP Exams: What Students Should Know and Do

Taking AP Exams

  • AP Exams have been revised to about 45 minutes each and will be taken online, at home.
  • AP Exams are scheduled for May 11-22, with make-up testing on June 1-5
  • This year’s exams focus on content most teachers covered prior to March. So this year’s exams have been designed to honor and reward the good work students already did prior to widespread school closures.
  • Colleges across the country are voicing strong supports for students to complete the AP experience, take the exam, and receive the college credit they deserve. Colleges are especially supportive given the uncertain financial future many families face, and the value of students entering college with credit.
  • Depending on a school’s exam-taking policy, a student can opt-out of the exam if they prefer not to test this year; there will not be a $40 cancellation fee
  • Students who need help with access to a device or internet can let us know at

Preparing for AP Exam

  • On AP Central, students can see course-specific exam information, including exam dates and times, descriptions of what they’ll be asked to do on their exam, and more; exam features; exam scoring; and exam security.
  • On You-Tube, students can access daily, online AP classes and review at