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Student Behavior
As part of the Texas Education Code (Sec. 37.0012), all schools in Texas shall designate a Campus Behavior Coordinator whose primary responsibility is to maintain student discipline for the campus and be a contact for parents or guardians concerning individual student disciplinary actions by the school. The person or persons designated may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal.
Your Campus Behavior Coordinators
Student Dress
Dress Code:
A student's conduct is related to his/her dress. Therefore, the school is directly concerned with the students' dress. The appropriateness of a student's dress for school environment should dictate the choice of clothing and grooming practices on each given day.
All students are expected to adhere to common practices of modesty, cleanliness, and neatness. They are to dress in conformity with the accepted standards of the community and in such a manner as to contribute to the academic atmosphere, not detract from it. The student who fails to comply with this code may be sent home and be subject to disciplinary actions.
Students should dress in a manner that shall not
1. lead school officials to reasonably believe that such dress or grooming will disrupt, interfere with, disturb, or distract from school activities.
2. create a health or other hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others.
The principal, in connection with the sponsor, coach, or other person in charge of an extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress or grooming of students who participate in the activity. The school administration has the right to appraise any current fashion or fad and determine whether it is appropriate for school wear.
Each school will implement this policy and review the Dress Code with the students at the beginning of each year. A copy of the Dress Code will be published in the student handbook and, thereby, be available to parents.
No attempt will be made to dictate fashion styles so long as they are in keeping with district policies. It should be noted, however, that it is the responsibility of the student and parent to adhere to the Dress Code, as stated in the following.
Any clothing, jewelry, or accessories with decorations, patches, lettering, advertisements, etc. that could be considered obscene or offensive are not to be worn to school. This includes any clothing, jewelry, or accessories that may be used as weapons, accessories having drug, sexual emblems, tobacco or alcoholic beverage references or designs.
Crop tops, tube tops, halters, and spaghetti straps are unacceptable (anything less than two inches is considered a spaghetti strap.) Strapless dresses without jackets are unacceptable. The display of cleavage is unacceptable. Low cut blouses, tops, sweaters etc. with plunging necklines are not allowed.
The length of an untucked shirt must be no longer than the tip of the longest finger with the student’s hand fully extended down the side of the student’s leg.
Transparent or see-through material is considered unacceptable. Shirts/tops must touch the waist of pants/skirts at all times (i.e. when in movement, when arms are extended or raised, and when in seated position, etc.).
A boy's shirt should cover the entire crown of the shoulder.
The length of a skirt or dress must be a minimum of half the distance between the fingertips and top of the knee when the student’s hand is fully extended down the side of the student's leg.
The minimum length of shorts/skorts must be no shorter than the tip of the longest finger with student’s hand fully extended down the side of the student’s leg. When measuring skirts, dresses, or shorts that have slits, the length will be determined by measuring from the top of the slit.
Form-fitting pants, such as spandex or bicycle pants, may only be worn with another layer of clothing, which meets the dress code. Torn or cut/slashed pants are considered inappropriate.
Manufactured boot-cut slits are acceptable.
Students may not wear pajama bottoms/pants.
No sagging. Students shall wear their shorts, trousers, or overalls properly at the waist.
All students must wear shoes. No house shoes or slippers may be worn. Students should wear athletic footwear in order to participate in any physical education class.
Hair should be kept neat, clean and reasonably styled. Any type of head covering is unacceptable. (Religious exceptions must be cleared by the principal.)
Proper undergarments should be worn but not visible.
Chain or spike jewelry is considered unacceptable.
Campus administration will determine the appropriateness of all piercings, gauging, and mouth grillz for school.
Facial hair should be neat, clean, closely trimmed and not be a distraction to the learning environment.
Any clothing, accessories, symbols, jewelry, or other paraphernalia, which depicts or suggests association with a gang, shall not be brought to school, worn at school, or in any way be present at any school-related event.
ID badges are to be carried throughout the school day and should be produced upon entering classes and any other time the request is made by a staff member. School services such as: checking out a library book and visiting with a counselor will only be provided to students who have their ID.
Clarification regarding apparel for school wear should be obtained PRIOR TO WEARING IT TO SCHOOL; this can be obtained from the school administration. Students in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the school administration. Teachers are charged with the responsibility of enforcing student dress policy in their classes as well as on the campus. Administrators and other school personnel share the same responsibility. Teachers shall follow building procedures for discipline referral regarding dress code problems.
** Students who have to miss class because of inappropriate dress will be charged with an unexcused absence or tardy, depending on the amount of class time missed. **
Campus-wide dress code checks will be done routinely throughout the year. Campus-wide checks will be announced over the PA system. During a campus-wide check, each teacher will review the dress of the students in his/her classroom and will refer students whose clothing may not be in compliance with the AISD dress code to the appropriate assistant principal.