On-time to class = Academic Success!

Tardy Policy

Effective: January 9, 2017

The Nichols Tardy Policy has been developed to emphasize the importance of each student being in the classroom for the entire period every day. Learning the responsibility of getting to class on time is a fundamental part of Nichols’ standard of excellence, which prepares students for success.

The policy is as follows:

  • Passing periods will remain four minutes long. A warning song signifies one minute left to get to class on time—music plays for the first 30 seconds and 30 seconds of silence before the tardy bell. Scholars must be in their classroom and prepared to learn before the tardy bell.
  • We will conduct tardy sweeps in the hallways and restrooms every day during randomly selected passing periods. Any scholars collected in the tardy sweep will receive a mandatory one (1) hour study hall/tutorial after school that same day.
  • Students will be responsible for notifying parents when assigned to study hall/tutorial which will end at 5:15 and be held Monday – Friday.

Please help us provide the outstanding education experience your child deserves by encouraging your Nichols scholar to have great attendance.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.