Update: Here are the times for each grade level that schools will open their doors:
Elementary - doors open at 7:25 (school starts at 8:10) Junior High - doors open at 8:00 (school starts at 8:45) High School - doors open at 6:50 (school starts at 7:35) ... See MoreSee Less
Arlington ISD is planning to have school tomorrow. Each school will be open 45 minutes ahead of their scheduled opening so students can enter early. Goodman will open at 7:25
We'll continue to monitor the weather and let you know if anything changes. ... See MoreSee Less
COLD WEATHER UPDATE: The City of Arlington will activate it's Homeless Emergency Cold Weather Shelter Tuesday, Feb. 18 through Saturday, Feb. 22: bit.ly/3VxjpuF
The Arlington Life Shelter, located at 325 West Division Street, will start intake at 2 p.m. and it will end at 5 p.m. Guests should enter through the entrance located on the east side of the building. Their number is 817-548-9885 ext. 3312.
Intake for the Salvation Army of North Texas, located at 712 W. Abram Street will be from 7-10 p.m. Their number is 817-860-1836.
Arlington Animal Services Shelter accepts pets of homeless individuals as capacity allows.
The shelters activate when temperatures reach 39 degrees or less for four or more consecutive hours overnight. Text ARLCOLD to 817-241-3544 to sign up for Arlington text alerts about our cold weather shelters. ... See MoreSee Less
ACTUALIZACIÓN SOBRE TIEMPO FRÍO: La ciudad de Arlington activará su plan de refugio de emergencia para personas sin hogar en tiempo frío hoy martes 18 de febrero hasta el sábado 22 de febrero. Los refugios están en espera para permanecer activados esos días dependiendo de las condiciones del tiempo: bit.ly/3VxjpuF
El Arlington Life Shelter, ubicado en el 325 West Division Street, comenzará la admisión a las 2 p.m. y finalizará a las 5 p.m. Los huéspedes deben ingresar por la entrada ubicada en el lado este del edificio. Su número es 817-548-9885 ext. 3312. Una vez que se alcance su capacidad, derivarán a los invitados al The Salvation Army of North Texas, ubicado en 712 W. Abram Street. La admisión será de 7 a 10 p.m. Su número es 817-860-1836.
Los refugios a continuación se activan cuando las temperaturas alcanzan los 39 grados o menos durante cuatro (4) horas consecutivas o más durante la noche. Envíe un mensaje de texto con ARLCOLD al 817-241-3544 para inscribirse para recibir alertas de texto de Arlington sobre nuestros refugios para tiempo frío. ... See MoreSee Less
Goodman school community we have many deserving educators who can be nominated for the chance to win a weekend retreat to the Holdsworth Center. We have servant leaders that are making a positive impact in the lives of our children. Please feel free to nominate a teacher from Goodman 💜🐻
Take teacher appreciation to a new level. Nominate a teacher in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for a free weekend retreat at The Holdsworth Center through August 30.
Update: Here are the times for each grade level that schools will open their doors:
Elementary - doors open at 7:25 (school starts at 8:10)
Junior High - doors open at 8:00 (school starts at 8:45)
High School - doors open at 6:50 (school starts at 7:35) ... See MoreSee Less
Goodman will open at 7:25. All students will be housed in the cafeteria until 7:45. Stay warm! ... See MoreSee Less
Arlington ISD is planning to have school tomorrow. Each school will be open 45 minutes ahead of their scheduled opening so students can enter early. Goodman will open at 7:25
We'll continue to monitor the weather and let you know if anything changes. ... See MoreSee Less
Outstanding Attendance challenge ... See MoreSee Less
Ask your child about today’s Outstanding Attendance Kick-off!
Pregúntele a su hijo sobre el inicio de asistencia sobresaliente de hoy. 🐻💜🐻 ... See MoreSee Less
COLD WEATHER UPDATE: The City of Arlington will activate it's Homeless Emergency Cold Weather Shelter Tuesday, Feb. 18 through Saturday, Feb. 22: bit.ly/3VxjpuF
The Arlington Life Shelter, located at 325 West Division Street, will start intake at 2 p.m. and it will end at 5 p.m. Guests should enter through the entrance located on the east side of the building. Their number is 817-548-9885 ext. 3312.
Intake for the Salvation Army of North Texas, located at 712 W. Abram Street will be from 7-10 p.m. Their number is 817-860-1836.
Arlington Animal Services Shelter accepts pets of homeless individuals as capacity allows.
The shelters activate when temperatures reach 39 degrees or less for four or more consecutive hours overnight. Text ARLCOLD to 817-241-3544 to sign up for Arlington text alerts about our cold weather shelters. ... See MoreSee Less
ACTUALIZACIÓN SOBRE TIEMPO FRÍO: La ciudad de Arlington activará su plan de refugio de emergencia para personas sin hogar en tiempo frío hoy martes 18 de febrero hasta el sábado 22 de febrero. Los refugios están en espera para permanecer activados esos días dependiendo de las condiciones del tiempo: bit.ly/3VxjpuF
El Arlington Life Shelter, ubicado en el 325 West Division Street, comenzará la admisión a las 2 p.m. y finalizará a las 5 p.m. Los huéspedes deben ingresar por la entrada ubicada en el lado este del edificio. Su número es 817-548-9885 ext. 3312.
Una vez que se alcance su capacidad, derivarán a los invitados al The Salvation Army of North Texas, ubicado en 712 W. Abram Street. La admisión será de 7 a 10 p.m. Su número es 817-860-1836.
Los refugios a continuación se activan cuando las temperaturas alcanzan los 39 grados o menos durante cuatro (4) horas consecutivas o más durante la noche. Envíe un mensaje de texto con ARLCOLD al 817-241-3544 para inscribirse para recibir alertas de texto de Arlington sobre nuestros refugios para tiempo frío. ... See MoreSee Less
... See MoreSee Less
Goodman school community we have many deserving educators who can be nominated for the chance to win a weekend retreat to the Holdsworth Center. We have servant leaders that are making a positive impact in the lives of our children. Please feel free to nominate a teacher from Goodman 💜🐻
stories.holdsworthcenter.org/educator-retreat/? ... See MoreSee Less
Holdsworth Teacher Retreat
Take teacher appreciation to a new level. Nominate a teacher in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for a free weekend retreat at The Holdsworth Center through August 30.