Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
At Remynse Elementary School, we need your help to keep the school and your children safe. EVERY child’s safety is important to us. Remynse students are expected to come directly to school and to go home by the safest possible route. On their way to and from school, students are to conduct themselves courteously and obey all school and traffic rules as well as the Arlington ISD Student Code of Conduct. Parent cooperation with arrival and dismissal procedures supports your child’s safety and is appreciated. We ask for your patience with arrival and dismissal. We have a systematic process to get approximately 600 students in and out of school as safely and efficiently as possible. It remains our highest priority to ensure that students arrive and dismiss on our campus in a safe and organized way.
Please note: No pets are allowed on campus during arrival and dismissal times unless they stay inside parents’ cars. Service animals specifically trained to aid a person with a disability are welcome. We know that everyone feels their pet is "friendly", but there are times when animals get scared and we don't know how they may react. Our students' safety comes first, so we ask all families to please keep their pets at home. Even small pets that are carried are not to be on campus. Thank you for your cooperation.
Traffic Flow Maps
Traffic Flow Map 2017 (English)
Traffic Flow Map 2017 (Spanish)
Arriving at School
The school will be opened at 7:40 a.m. Only the front entrance doors will be unlocked for entrance into the building. Remynse students should arrive at school between 7:40 a.m. – 8:10 a.m. Classes will begin at 8:10 a.m. Students should not arrive before 7:40 a.m. because supervision is NOT available. Please do not leave your children on campus before 7:40 a.m.
All car riders must be dropped off at the front of the building. Bus riders will enter from the back of the school. If you choose to walk your student to class, we ask that you obtain a visitor’s pass from the office. Parents may only walk their students to class prior to the 8:10 am bell. At 8:10, we ask that parents exit the building in order for our teachers to begin their instructional day. If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, please schedule a parent/teacher conference if you need additional time to meet. This will allow privacy and time to meet about any concerns.
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria to ALL students free of charge from 7:40 a.m. – 8:10 a.m. The bell rings at 8:10 a.m. If your child is eating breakfast in the cafeteria, he/she MUST arrive prior to 8:10 a.m. so that they can eat and go to class when the bell rings at 8:10 a.m. After this time, students must take a breakfast grab bag to class and will eat their breakfast in the classroom.
Late Arrival to School
Students arriving after 8:20 a.m. are considered tardy and must go to the office for a tardy slip. A parent/guardian must sign them in. It is not good practice to be tardy for school. This causes inconveniences in the day’s routine, and your child begins the day already behind. When tardy, students are FULLY responsible for any work missed.
Dismissal From School
- School dismissal is at 3:35 p.m.
- Before dismissal, each student will be given their dismissal card and go to their designated dismissal area. During dismissal, the student will be released and the card will be taken up by the grade level staff member assigned to the dismissal area. The card shows us that the child has left the building with the correct person.
- Dismissal areas are as follows (see attached map):
- Car riders dismissed from grade level classroom and exiting the front entrance.
- Walkers (parent pick up) dismissed from grade level classroom.
- Walkers, bikers, etc. (no parent pick up) dismissed from grade level exits.
- Bus riders dismissed from cafeteria.
- Students are not allowed to leave with anyone other than their assigned pick up without written permission from a parent and/or guardian. If a change in the person picking up a child is needed, please send a written note to school with the change.
- Due to safety concerns, we will not accept transportation changes over the telephone. All requests must be in writing. Parents need to send a note in with their child when there will be alternate arrangements for after school. For instance, their child is being picked up instead of taking the bus, or walking home instead of being picked up. Teachers will not allow your child to go home a different route without a signed note from their parent. Please do not email your child’s teacher during the day to change your child’s transportation. Teachers will not check email during instruction and will not get the message. Transportation changes must be made before 3:00 p.m. We cannot change mode of transportation by word of student. However, we ask that you try and avoid changing dismissal procedures for your child frequently. This can be very confusing during dismissal time. This includes parent walk-ins at the end of the day, so please plan accordingly.
Car Riders
It is very important that ALL drivers pay attention to the staff members on duty and pull forward until asked to stop. Stopping early by individual cars will prevent this process from working for all families. If a parent is waiting and the child does not come out for some time, a staff member may ask the parent to move to the parking area and enter the building to have the child paged over the school intercom system. Please follow these guidelines:
- Please remain in your vehicle as your wait for your children.
- Be sure to use the car sign to expedite your pick up. In order to pick up your children, you must display your assigned car rider card in your car window. Please note: The carpool sign created by the school is required and helpful in creating an environment of safety and order. Signs are provided by the school and families may request additional signs. Any parent picking up a child without an official car rider dismissal sign, will have to park, go to the office, show valid identification, and sign out the child(ren).
- Keep moving forward as cars in front of you leave.
- Please do not park next to another vehicle (double-parking) and do not let your child run between cars. Other drivers may not see your child.
- For the safety of our students, the use of cell phones by drivers during carpool is prohibited. Please make sure you are not on your cell phone during arrival and dismissal times. You will be in a school zone. The use of cell phones in a school zone is unlawful and may result in a ticket.
- Please be patient. You are training your child(ren) on how to follow rules and laws by the example you set.
Logistics: As each driver enters the carpool loop of the school building, a staff member uses a communicator to announce the list of riders. Please enter the carpool line at the end of the line and be considerate of others waiting in the line. Cars continue through the line and pull up to the designated area. Students will wait on the sidewalk until their cars arrive and will enter the cars only after they come to a complete stop. Students may not cross the driveway to meet drivers who may have parked cars in parking spaces. Drivers are asked to arrange for children to enter their cars on the passenger side. This avoids the need for children to walk into traffic. Once again, drivers are reminded to drive in a slow, cautious manner while on school grounds. Children will NOT be allowed to ride home in cars with adults not listed on their emergency cards. Any changes in drivers must be communicated to the school in writing. The goal is to have all carpoolers safely loaded in their cars and on their way as quickly as possible.
Bus Students
Only students who reside in the area determined to be 2 or more miles from school will be riding buses. Buses will pick up and drop off students at their assigned bus stop. If your child is a bus rider but will need to be picked up at school on a specific day, a note must be given to the office/teacher. Bus riders are required to follow all bus rules and instructions by the bus driver and district student code of conduct. Infractions of the bus rules may result in referrals by the bus driver. The school administration will implement consequences on referrals issued. Continual infractions of the bus rules may result in the student’s loss of bus riding privileges.
Walkers (Parent Pick-up / Parents Parking Vehicle)
Parents may park their vehicles if they prefer, wait in the designated parent waiting area next to the assigned grade level pick up area, and show their child’s colored card for the students to be delivered to them. All walker parents will be given a dismissal card that will need to be shown in order to obtain their child(ren). Please make sure that your children are supervised and that you are with them the entire time at dismissal. Students should not be allowed to run or play during dismissal.
Walkups will be dismissed from the grade level classrooms. Parents will wait outside in the designated grade level area until your child is dismissed. There will be a staff member stationed at the sides of the building to help to make sure that cards are being shown.
Biking, Skateboards, Skates, Roller Blades, Scooters, Hover Students
We suggest that all bicycles and other alternative modes of transportation be in safe condition. Wearing a helmet and other protective gear is highly recommended. Students must walk their bicycles and/or transportation items at all times while on school grounds, on sidewalks surrounding the perimeter of the school, and when crossing any street. Bicycles must be parked in our students bike rack and locked. Students are to provide their own locks. Skateboards, skates, roller blades, scooters, hovers, etc. must be placed in lockers. Please note that we are not responsible for any stolen items.
Students may not use bicycles, in-line skates, skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, scooters, skate-shoes, hovers, etc. on campus. This is a Group 1 Misbehavior in the Arlington ISD Student Code of Conduct 2016-2017.
Walkers (No Parent Pickup)
If students arrive or leave school by walking, they should walk with other students across the street only at the pedestrian crosswalks, and go directly to and from school.
Parents Arriving Late for Dismissal
The last car in the car-pool lane will be called at 3:50 p.m. This car will receive a dismissal card that says, “Last Car”. All cars after this vehicle will need to park their vehicle and enter the school. Parents who arrive late for dismissal will need to come to the office and sign out their child(ren). Parents will then need to exit the office and go to the cafeteria to sign out their child.
Please make necessary arrangements to ensure that ALL children are picked up by 3:35 p.m., so that staff may be on time to training sessions, lesson planning, and/or after-school meetings, etc. We will not have after school supervision after 3:50 p.m.
If it is necessary for your student to have after school supervision, we have day care facilities that we can recommend for you to contact. If a child is not picked up in a timely manner every effort will be made to contact you or those persons listed on the emergency card, to pick up your child.
Severe Weather Dismissal
Parents will follow the same routine for severe weather dismissal (e.g. rain, snow, lightning, etc.). Parents need to make sure they have their colored card visible for efficient and effective pickup.
In the event of severe weather during dismissal, the administration may make the decision not to release students to walk or ride bikes home. These students will be required to call the parent to make other arrangements. If weather is extreme, dismissal for all students may be delayed.
Please know that severe dismissal will move slowly due to the number of vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot. Your patience and support in following our procedures will be greatly appreciated.
Signing Out Students
Whenever possible, please schedule you child’s appointments outside of school hours. However if you must pick up your child during the school day, please note these procedural guidelines.
Dismissal of individual students between the hours of 8:10 a.m. and 3:35 p.m. must be done by the parent coming to the office. Children who have dental appointments, doctor appointments, etc. will be called to the office, where they will be officially signed out by the parent or the adult authorized in writing by the parent. At no time should parents go to the classroom to remove their child as this violates our safety policies. A valid picture ID is always required.
Early Dismissal
For early dismissal, sign students out from the office. We will not dismiss students early after 3:00 p.m. The office is a very busy place and picking students up at the end of the day creates confusion and a safety issue. The office will send for your child(ren) after your arrival. Please do not call and ask for your child to be in the office prior to your arrival. Sign the student out of school and state the reason on the form provided in the office. This is for the safety and protection of your child(ren) should they need to be located at a later time. This ensures that children only leave school with properly designated persons. Please be prepared to show a valid picture ID when picking up a child.
Students need to be in school all day, every day, except in cases of sickness or emergency situations. Please note: Excessive unexcused early leaves may result in an attendance intervention plan.
Thank You for Your Support!
By following these procedures arrival and dismissal should flow quickly. Please be patient the first few weeks of school as we fine tune our dismissal and teach students these new procedures.
Thank you for supporting Remynse! The staff is working hard to develop safe and efficient dismissal procedures for all our students. Let’s continue to work together to provide the best environment possible for all our students.
Student Behavior
As part of the Texas Education Code (Sec. 37.0012), all schools in Texas shall designate a Campus Behavior Coordinator whose primary responsibility is to maintain student discipline for the campus and be a contact for parents or guardians concerning individual student disciplinary actions by the school. The person designated may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal.
Your Campus Behavior Coordinators
Student Behavior Matrix
Hallway/Line | Cafeteria | Playground | Bus | Restroom | Dismissal | Assembly | |
Be Ready |
Walk to the right on the blue line Arms by your side/behind your back Voices off Eyes forward |
Know your lunch number Follow directions and move through lines as asked |
Walk safely Use equipment properly Practice good sportsmanship Line up quickly and quietly |
Listen carefully and follow directions |
Carry a pass Use assigned restroom Take care of your needs and return to class |
Have supplies ready Be an active listener Participate and cooperate with others Be in seat / space |
Arrive on time Sitting in designated areas Walk in and out quietly in single file lines |
Be Respectful |
Respect all hallway displays Keep hands and feet to yourself Walk at a safe place |
Be considerate to people around you Use good table manners Quiet voices Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Get permission to leave table |
Take turns and share Include others Use kind words Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
Invite others to sit with you Use kind words Help others Quiet voices Keep hands, feet, and objects to self |
Quiet Voices Allow others their privacy |
Follow directions Get the teacher’s attention appropriately Use appropriate language and voice Keep hands, feet, and objects to self |
Be an active listener and participant Face forward and sit appropriately Make sure everyone can see and hear Keep hands, feet, and objects to self |
Be Responsible |
Keep hallway and school grounds clean Stop at directed check points |
Bring everything you need Follow rules Clean up after yourself Keep food to yourself |
Use the crosswalk with a teacher present Report problems immediately Follow playground rules Bring in equipment Stay in line |
Follow bus rules Keep bus clean Take care of your personal belongings Report problems to the bus driver right away |
Flush Wash your hands Leave the area clean Report restroom concerns to an adult |
Check out with your teacher before leaving Take care of your personal belongings Clean up after yourself Arrive and remain at your designated area |
Make appropriate responses; laugh, clap, speak |
If you would like to volunteer at Remynse Elementary please go to the Volunteer page at and complete the application.
The volunteer applications must be renewed each school year.
You must be an approved volunteer to do any of the following:
- Attend class parties
- Volunteer during Field Day
- Attend Field Trips
- Help in classroom/parties
- Help at any school-sponsored event held on campus
- Help during the school day
- Volunteer in any capacity with school-sponsored event