As part of the Texas Education Code (Sec. 37.0012), all schools in Texas shall designate a Campus Behavior Coordinator whose primary responsibility is to maintain student discipline for the campus and be a contact for parents or guardians concerning individual student disciplinary actions by the school. The person designated may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal.

Your Campus Behavior Coordinators

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  • All students must report to the Gym or Cafeteria for breakfast once the morning bell sounds at 8:15 am.
  • Girls will sit near the entry of the gym; boys will sit near the locker room
  • Once you enter, you do not leave
  • Remain seated until directed by teacher monitors
  • No Technology
  • If you are not eating breakfast, exit out of gym door near the rear entrance at the 8:35 bell
  • ID badges must be visible and worn to school daily. If a student forgets or loses their ID, they MUST get a temporary ID from their first period teacher. After the third temporary ID, students must pay $1 for a replacement ID. 
  • You must have a morning tutorial pass assigned by teacher or an early morning library pass. There will be no entry into the main building before 8:35 AM.
  • Should you arrive prior to 8:15 am, you are expected to wait on the North Patio (Near the Gym) until the building opens.
  • No football/sports on Patio
  • Please do not play near the bus lanes (very dangerous).
  • Once you arrive to campus, you are not allowed to leave campus prior to dismissal unless you are checked out by a legal guardian. The office will send for you in that case.



  • Warning/Student can pick up device at the end of the day
  • Student can pick up device at the end of the day
  • $15 fee/ Parent pick-up and conference with admin

4th  or more will result in administrative conference

Identification Badges 



All high school and junior high school students shall wear their AISD-issued student identification badges or temporary badges at all times while on a school campus or attending a school-related extracurricular activity.

Badges must be visible to AISD employees at all times. Badges cannot be worn underneath clothing and cannot be carried in a student’s pocket, backpack, bag, purse, etc. 


  • Enter the Cafe and be seated at the assigned tables 
  • Once seated, cafe monitors will direct you to the appropriate line. 
  • Students should sit at the first open seat. No holding or saving seats for a friend. 
  • No Sharing Food or Drinks, you may not be aware of your classmates allergies. 
  • Outside food must be consumed at the two front tables.
  •  Students will be ESCORTED to and from lunch by their teachers.