As part of the Texas Education Code (Sec. 37.0012), all schools in Texas shall designate a Campus Behavior Coordinator whose primary responsibility is to maintain student discipline for the campus and be a contact for parents or guardians concerning individual student disciplinary actions by the school. The person designated may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal.

Your Campus Behavior Coordinators

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Students are required to adhere to dress code on campus. The AISD Board policy states that parents have twenty days from enrollment to request, in writing from the principal, an exemption from the Shackelford uniform policy for a religious or philosophical reason.
Students who arrive at school not properly dressed in Shackelford uniform may call home to have parents bring uniform clothing if the parent can arrive within ten minutes. Students not in uniform will be provided Shack clothes to wear to class. An unexcused tardy or absence may result from time spent making this clothing change. Repeated violations of the dress code policy will result in corrective action, such as detention on the 3rd uniform or ID badge violation.


Shackelford Dress Code

Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Skorts, Jumpers:

  • Docker & Capri style
  • 5 Pocket style pants Solid Khaki or Navy
  • Cotton, polyester, corduroy
    • No denim fabrics
  • Follow AISD dress code for length No sweatpants or form fitting pants
  • No oversized (baggy & saggy) pants or shorts
  • Skorts are defined as a skirt with shorts attached by stitching


  • T-shirt with crew neck is the preferred style shirt
  • Colors: Solid Navy, True Red or White
  • Styles: Traditional 2/3 button polo style knit with collar; long/short sleeved, Oxford style button-down shirt with collar long/short sleeved or sleeveless , Turtleneck knits
  • SJH Spirit and Organization shirt & T-shirts
  • No layered shirts in any style not mentioned above


  • Style: Long sleeved, hooded*
  • Color: Solid Navy, True Red or White
  • SJH Spirit and Organization
    • Students may not wear hood on head.


  • Style: Zipped, hooded sweatshirt or
  • Color: Solid Navy Blue, True Red, or White
  • SJH Spirit and Organization jackets Solid Navy, True Red or White
  • No denim jackets
    • NOTE: In cold weather, students may wear jackets or coats of any color that are appropriate under the AISD dress code to school; students will need to put them in their lockers or in their backpacks during the school day and may wear them home after school.

PE/Athletic Uniform:

  • Style: Navy/Black shorts or sweatpants
  • Color: Solid Navy, True Red, White or SJH Spirit T-shirt
  • Tennis Shoes & socks – Must have laces, rubber soles, and no heels.
  • Athletics- school issued practice uniform
  • No Slides or Flip Flops

Additional Reminders:

  • Student ID badges will be part of the Shackelford Uniform Policy. Students may not cover any portion of their ID.
  • No labels/logos on the outside of clothing larger than a credit card (3 in.)
  • No see through and/or oversized clothing
  • Decorative dental appliances may not be worn
  • Any clothing, jewelry, accessories, or paraphernalia that may be considered obscene or offensive are not to be worn to school or to school-sponsored events. This includes any clothing, jewelry, accessories, or paraphernalia associated with gangs, drugs, sex, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages. Students may not possess or wear accessories that may be used as weapons.
  • Shoe requirements-must follow AISD dress code; no house shoes, slippers
  • Shackelford JH spirit wear will be sold on Wednesdays in the front office.