Important School Times
- 7:55 AM: School Doors Open
- 8:10 AM: Instruction Begins
- 8:20 AM: Tardy Bell Rings
- 3:35 AM: Dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
The front doors will be opened at 7:55 a.m. for those children arriving at school early. Children arriving at school before this time will not be allowed to enter the building nor will they be supervised. Parents who must leave for work before 7:55 a.m. are encouraged to look at alternatives to leaving their children outside the school. Students are not allowed to play on the basketball courts or the playground before school. They are to wait by the front doors until the doors open.
Classes are dismissed at 3:35 P.M. In good weather, parents picking up children are to designate whether they are a car rider or park-n-ride outside. On bad weather days, parents still pick up their child in the car rider lines, but stay in their cars and students will come out to the cars. Park-n-riders can be picked up in the cafeteria. All bus students exit from the back door to board the busses. Students who walk home will meet on the hard top.
Teachers will walk out with the children at the end of the school day and will be on duty until 3:40 p.m. If children are walking home, they are expected to exit immediately. If they are riding an AISD or day care bus, they are expected to sit in the back courtyard and wait for their bus in an orderly manner. School personnel will wait with them until they are picked up by their bus.
Parents should pick up their children promptly. After 3:45 p.m. (11:20 a.m. for morning PreKindergarten), parents are expected to sign out their children from the office. If there is an emergency which is preventing the parent from picking up a child, please call the school and let the office know. When a child is not picked up, the office makes every attempt to contact the parent or someone on the emergency card. If the child has not been picked up in a reasonable time and we have not heard from the parent, Child Protective Services or the Arlington Police Department will be called to pick up the child. Failure to pick up a child from school by a reasonable hour is considered child abandonment and carries with it serious consequences for the parent including non-renewal of transfers as well as referral to the Assistant Superintendent for Administration and/or the Coordinator of Student Discipline. In addition, failure to pick up children on time will jeopardize transfer renewals for those students attending Sherrod on a transfer.
For those parents who desire after-school care or who have difficulty picking children up on time, Y.M.C.A. has an after-school program on the Sherrod campus. Contact the provider for information. In addition, there are several day care facilities in the area that deliver to and pick-up from Sherrod.
Except in emergency situations, once students have left the building for the day, they may not to come back into the building for any reason. In emergency situations, they are to come through the front door.
Dress Code / Uniform Policy
Sherrod Elementary is a uniform school. Below are pictures of appropriate attire for school. Please take the time to read through the dress code. Stores that carry proper attire are listed below as well. Children not dressed in appropriate clothes will be sent to call for clothes to be brought to them.We appreciate you helping us by bringing your child in the proper clothes.
Kid to Kid, Walmart, Target, JC Penney, and other local stores.
Pants, Shorts, Capri, Skirts, Skorts, Jumpers
Colors: Navy Blue, Khaki (Solid Colors)
Style/ Fabric: Conservative; Traditional and properly fitted; Cotton or cotton blend twill
Skirt and short length must comply with the AISD Dress Code Policy
All Sherrod Spirit Shirts are accepted.
Colors: Navy Blue, Royal Blue, and Light Blue
Hunter Green and White (Solid Colors)
Style/ Fabric: Polo style knit with collar: long/short sleeve.
Button down. Oxford cloth, standard shirt
Turtleneck knits: long/short sleeve
Peter Pan Uniform Shirt (white only)
Sweaters and Vests
Colors: Navy Blue, Hunter Green and White (Solid Colors)
Style/Fabric: Cardigan, crew-neck and V-neck
Must be worn with an approved uniform shirt
Colors: Navy Blue and Hunter Green (Solid Colors)
Style/Fabric: Crew neck, long sleeves only
Must be worn with an approved uniform shirt
All shirts must be tucked in.
All students must wear shoes.
No sweatpants or oversized clothing.
Belts are not required.
Outerwear (jackets and coats) worn to school must be placed in student's locker during the day.
Organization shirt days will be determined by the principal.
Not Allowed
Cargo Pants
5 Pocket Jeans
Bib Overalls
Denim or Corduroy Jeans
Knit Shorts
Knit Capris
Bike Shorts
Labels or Logos
Stripes or Details
Labels or Logos
Fleece Vests
Vests and Hoods
Pockets or Zippers on Sweaters
Breakfast is served daily from 7:45 a.m. until 8:05 a.m. Students are encouraged to budget enough time if they eat breakfast so that they can finish before the 8:20 a.m. bell when classes begin. Students who are tardy to class because they have been eating breakfast will not be excused.
The Sherrod Cafeteria is computerized with each student having an individual account and PIN number. Parents may deposit any amount into their child’s account. If they wish, parents may also stipulate that the money is to be used for lunches only. Students may purchase lunch with cash each day when served, or they may use the money, which has been deposited into their account. Children may also bring their own lunch from home. Please check with your children each morning about their lunches so that they will have the security of knowing what they are doing for lunch.
Parents can deposit money and monitor their child’s account on the internet through Food Services. Parents are encouraged to mark their calendars at home so that they know when a deposit needs to be made in the child’s account. The Cafeteria Manager also sends home a reminder that a deposit is needed. Please do not allow your child’s account to go into the negative!
Please note that the Cafeteria Manager is not allowed to loan money for lunch. When a student forgets his/her lunch or lunch money, the cafeteria will provide a hot vegetable, milk, and crackers.
After the 8:20 a.m. bell, forgotten lunches or lunch money brought to school by the parent should be left in the office. Parents will not be allowed to interrupt the classroom during instruction to deliver lunch boxes or lunch money.
Free or Reduced Price Meals
Free and reduced lunch applications must be completed and returned to Food Service at Davis and W. Arkansas. If everything is in order, the child can usually eat the day after the application is submitted.
Applications for free/reduced lunch must be completed each year. Children who have been on free or reduced lunch the previous year are allowed to eat for the first 15 days. After that, a current application must be on file with the Food Service office.
Each grade level has a scheduled lunch time. All children have 30 minutes to eat their lunch. Children are encouraged to refrain from talking during the first 10 minutes at the table in an effort to encourage them to eat their lunch. A teacher for each grade level will be on duty with students at lunch.
Parents are invited to have lunch with their child anytime. You may either have lunch at the visitors’ table or you may eat at the class table if you are an approved volunteer and if there is room at the table. Visitors’ Tables are reserved for parents and their own children. Parents may bring in lunch for their child/children only. This policy is from the Texas Agriculture Department.
Parents are expected to model good conduct for their children by following the cafeteria rules.
A lunch menu is sent home at the beginning of each month. In addition, parents can check the lunch menu on the AISD website. Please be aware that sometimes the Cafeteria Manager will deviate from the published menu because or extenuating circumstances.
School Board Policy
Opened beverage containers may not be brought into the building during the school day. Opened beverage containers and banned beverages such as Energy Drinks must be disposed of in trash receptacles prior to entering the school building. Exceptions will be made for unopened beverage containers in lunch boxes such as bottles, cans, juice boxes, thermoses as long as the beverage is not a banned Energy Drink.
In order for lunch to be a pleasant experience for everyone in the Sherrod Cafeteria, students are expected to follow the following rules of common courtesy:
All students are expected to follow the following expectations:
- Walk, don’t run.
- Use inside voices
- Stay in your seat. Students need permission to get out of their seat.
- Recycle, and clean up the table and the floor before leaving the table. Assigned table washers will work with monitors
- Raise your hand if you need help.
- Follow the directions of the adult in charge, including teachers, cafeteria monitors, cafeteria manager and workers, and administrators
- Students will not be allowed to go to the bathroom except in emergencies.
- Teachers will take students to the bathroom before or after lunch.
Students who are warned twice within the same lunch period because they are not following the rules will be asked to sit at a separate table for “lonely lunch” for that day or the next day assigned by the adult in charge. Serious misbehavior will result in an office referral.
Parents are asked to support the staff by encouraging their children to meet expectations and by praising good behavior. In addition, when parents are eating with their children, they are asked to observe the same expectation as the students.
Student Behavior
As part of the Texas Education Code (Sec. 37.0012), all schools in Texas shall designate a Campus Behavior Coordinator whose primary responsibility is to maintain student discipline for the campus and be a contact for parents or guardians concerning individual student disciplinary actions by the school. The person designated may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal.
Your Campus Behavior Coordinators
Notice Regarding Ability to Refuse Entry or Eject Certain Persons and Appeals Process
(a) A school administrator, school resource officer, or school district peace officer of a school district may refuse to allow a person to enter on or may eject a person from property under the district's control if the person refuses to leave peaceably on request and:
(1) The person poses a substantial risk of harm to any person; or
(2) The person behaves in a manner that is inappropriate for a school setting and:
(A) The administrator, resource officer, or peace officer issues a verbal warning to the person that the person's behavior is inappropriate and may result in the person's refusal of entry or ejection; and
(B) The person persists in that behavior.
(b) Identification may be required of any person on the property.
(c) Each school district shall maintain a record of each verbal warning issued under Subsection (a) (2) (A), including the name of the person to whom the warning was issued and the date of issuance.
(d) At the time a person is refused entry to or ejected from a school district's property under this section, the district shall provide to the person written information explaining the appeal process established under Subsection (h).
(e) If a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in a school district is refused entry to the district’s property under this section, the district shall accommodate the parent or guardian to ensure that the parent or guardian may participate in the child’s admission, review, and dismissal committee or in the child’s team established under Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Section 794), in accordance with federal law.
(f) The term of a person’s refusal of entry to or ejection from a school district's property under this section may not exceed two years.
(g) A school district shall post on the district's internet website and each campus shall post on any internet website of the campus a notice regarding the provisions of this section, including the appeal process established under Subsection (h).
(h) The commissioner shall adopt rules to implement this section, including rules establishing a process for a person to appeal to the board of trustees of the school district the decision under Subsection (a) to refuse the person's entry to or eject the person from the district's property.
A person ejected from or refused entry to District property under this provision may appeal this action by filing an appeal under FNG(LOCAL) or GF(LOCAL) and shall be permitted to address the Board in person within 90 days of the commencement of the appeal if the grievance is not resolved at a previous level before the board considers the appeal.
The board's decision to grant or deny an appeal under this section is final and may only be further appealed under the applicable provisions of Texas Education Code 7.057.