Mrs. Humbles Principal’s Message November 8, 2023
Hi Colts,
What an eventful start to the month we are having! I hope you all enjoyed celebrating the Rangers win in whatever fashion you chose. I chose the adventure of going to the parade on Friday. I'd sum it up as traffic, people, no bathrooms, and more traffic. The highlight of the parade for me was definitely the AISD band and drill teams. They came together, sorted through every logistic, WROTE THE MUSIC, and then performed perfectly with 24 hours notice. If only the city would have called the AISD band directors to organize the entire parade... But seriously, it was an experience of a lifetime and I'm glad our students were able to be a part of it.
This is the time of year that goes by too fast. Everyone has so much to do and wants to get it all done before the break. Which means it's also the time of year when I remind everyone to take a breath and make sure you are prioritizing things correctly. I saw something yesterday that said, "By the time your children turn 18, you will have spent 90% of the time you will ever spend with them." As we near the end of the semester, I can't help but think about how quickly this year is slipping away. I feel like every time I try to cherish each moment with my kids, my 90% just goes by even quicker. Keep hugging your kids, even through the stressful times that may be ahead. We will do the same.
Enjoy the season, Colts.
Talk to you soon,
Stacie Humbles, Principal
Arlington High School
First here. Best here.
It's Turkey Time! Enjoy the upcoming events this month:
11/7: Election Day - NO SCHOOL
11/8: Last day of 6 weeks; Early Signing Day; M Wrestling v. Woodrow Wilson; BBB Scrimmage @ Mansfield
11/9: Student Achievement Breakfast (invite only); Choir Region V Concert; GBB Tournament @ Paschal; GBB @ South Hills; Jazz Band Dinner
11/10: Snack Shack Prom Fundraiser (Bring money for snacks!); W Wrestling @ AISD Arena; BBB v. South Hills
11/11: AP Super Saturday; M Wrestling @ AISD Arena
11/14: Senior Cookie Dough Pick-up; GBB @ Richland; Wrestling v. SHHS, LHS, SHS; BBB @ W Mesquite
11/16: BBB Tournament @ ACA
11/17: GBB @ W Mesquite
11/18: Wrestling Tournament @ Richardson
11/20: THANKSGIVING BREAK; GBB @ Macarthur
11/21: THANKSGIVING BREAK; BBB v. Colleyville
11/24: THANKSGIVING BREAK; BBB Tournament @ Summit
11/25: GBB @ Arlington Heights
11/28: BBB v. SW
11/30: JV Wrestling; Jazz Band Concert @ CVPA
12/1: Wresting @ SGP; Baseball Cornhole Tournament; GBB @ All Saints
12/5: GBB @ Birdville; M Wrestling; BBB @ Irving
12/6: Tennis Beginner Tournament; AHS Swim Meet; Cheerleading Showcase @ LHS
12/7: GBB Tournaments - Mansfield and Legacy
12/8: M Wrestling @ Saginaw; W Wrestling @ Lewisville; GBB v. Mansfield
12/12: Wrestling v. Bowie/Midlo/Molina; GBB @ Martin; Band Winter Concert @ CVPA
12/13: BBB v. Parrish; Orchestra Winter Concert
12/15: Choir Renaissance Festival Begins; Wrestling @ Prosper; GBB v. SHHS
12/16: Wrestling @ Coppell
12/19: BBB/GBB v. GP
12/22-1/8: WINTER BREAK
1/9: Start of 2nd Semester!