Cases of respiratory illnesses and flu are on the rise. Let’s do all we can to keep our students healthy and in class!
From Arlington Independent School District Health Services: As you may have seen on the news, or experienced in your community, cases of respiratory illnesses are on the rise. To help prevent the spread of illness, Tarrant County Public Health recommends the following: • Stay home when sick- a student with a fever must be fever…
Read MoreThe CUBE is Opening Bringing New Traffic Patterns Mrs. Humbles Principal's Message
Hi Colts, The day has come – the GRAND OPENING of the Cube! We have been working furiously over the break (and for the past 4 years) and are so excited to show off our new wing! Students, you will enter something amazing tomorrow that is a part of history. But you still need to…
Read MoreNew Arlington High library is almost ready! Hey, Colts! Join us in the library starting on January 8!
Posted in District News, Bond News on January 2, 2025 Addition funded by the 2019 Bond The big addition at Arlington High School is scheduled to open Jan. 8. But Arlington High’s librarian, Maryjane O’Halloran-Beane, is already moving in, getting the new library ready to welcome students. The fine arts programs – like band and orchestra – have gotten a…
Read MoreWinter Break FAFSA Help Seniors, Need Help With Financial Paperwork?
The InsoirED Commumity Go Centerwill be open during Winter Break to help you with financial aid. Read the post for times and details.
Click HERE for additional information. New students must set up a Rapid Identify Account before signing in to Student Self-Serve. AISD updated all student emails and usernames on 7/24/ New format will be the student’s first name initial + last name initial + random 4-digit number. (EX: cl1234)Returning Students: To find the new username,…
Read MoreNeed To Contact your Counselor? Check below for new alphabetical split.
To phone your counselor; add 682-67 to the number shiwn. Example: X78100 = 682-867-8100.
Read MoreParents Survey 2024
Dear Parents, Please review our parent survey results at your leisure. Enjoy the rest of your summer! 07/01/2024 Dear Parents and Guardians, I want to thank everyone who participated in the 23-24 Arlington ISD Parent Engagement and Satisfaction Survey! Your feedback is essential and will play a crucial role in shaping the future of…
Read MoreArlington High School class of 2024 are standouts in the classroom and on the field!
Arlington High School class of 2024 standouts in the classroom and on the field were the cover story in the latest Arlington Today magazine. Addison Gardner, Cooper Peach, Hannah Harber, Alyson Robbins, Hannah Russ, Anjali Menezes, Mia Greer, Libby Spencer and Emma Stewart share how school, family and community support helped them reach their goals in this story. Read…
Read MoreIt’s time to register and/or re-submit your AISD Volunteer application for the 2024-25 school year.
It’s time to register and/or re-submit your AISD Volunteer application for the 2024-25 school year. You may submit your application to be an AISD volunteer here:https://www.aisd.net/community/volunteer/In order to volunteer this must be completed each year for everyone’s safety. This is a quick and easy process and does not take long to complete the application.
Read MoreMrs. Humbles Message to Seniors and Senior Parents
Seniors and Senior Parents, We are just 2 months away from your last day of school! If you haven’t already, be sure to continue checking the SENIOR WEBSITE for all you need to know about senior events. Here is prom info given at our last senior meeting: All forms they need for prom are outside C108. Prom ticket…
Read MoreMarch Teachers of the Month
AHS Tutoring Schedule Need some extra help for your classes?
INTRODUCING 2024 MISS CINDERELLA, GEORGIA ADAMS! Georgia raised $100,878.03 and we could not be more proud of her and the other candidates. In total, the twenty candidates raised $552,225, all for the Boys & Girls Clubs in Arlington! The Cinderella Charity Ball is the oldest continuing social event and charitable benefit in Arlington. The first…
Read MoreTeacher Spotlight of the Month Ms. KeShandra Murrell
Congratulations, Ms. Murrell, for getting out of your cave and into the spotlight!
Read MoreOne Act Play Advances
The UIL One Act Play Theatre Team has advanced to bi-district! Our production of “WINGS” will compete again on Thursday, April 4th. More information about the contest at the CVPA is coming soon. The One Act Play Team has some amazing students who won individual awards. Kenzie S. earned the Technical Achievement award, while Ella…
Read MoreCooper Peach Wins 2024 National Football Foundation Gridiron Club of Dallas Scholar Athlete of the Year Award! Colt Pride!
Our very own Cooper Peach won the 2024 National Football Foundation Gridiron Club of Dallas Scholar Athlete of the Year Award! He is the first Arlington ISD athlete ever to win this award. His parents are Kim and Scott Peach.
Read MoreSTAAR Testing STAAR EOC testing is coming in April.
Hi Colts, STAAR EOC testing is coming in April. STAAR EOC testing is different at high school than it has been at elementary and junior high so I hope the following email will help lessen some confusion. STAAR EOC STAAR and EOC tests are the same thing. I’ll call them STAAR EOC tests to help…
Read MoreMrs. Humbles’ Principal Message March 14, 2024
Hi Colts, I hope you have been having a great spring break! Whether you use this time to enjoy a vacation, binge-watch Netflix on your couch, or stay busy with your kids’ schedules, I hope it’s been a great time to recharge and reconnect with the priorities in your lives. I’ve upped my mom-game this…
Read MoreTEACHER SPOTLIGHT OF THE MONTH MRS. Kitchen-Neal is our Teacher Spotlight of the Month for her many contributions to the AHS Community!
Congratulations to Mary Kitch-Neal for stepping out of her cave and into the spotlight! She is our Teacher Spotlight of the Month for her many contributions to the AHS Community!
Read MoreFREE PROM TICKET GIVEAWAY! From the AHS Counselors
Please spread the word that seniors who come to the Main Counseling Office and show us proof of college acceptance will get put in a raffle for a free prom ticket. The more acceptance letters/emails they show us, the more chances they have to win. The raffle ends on Wednesday, April 3rd, and the winner…
Read MorePBIS Teachers of the Month
Each month, 5 fantastic teachers are chosen for our COLTS Teachers of the Month. Please join me in congratulating these recipients from February! 🎉 We appreciate all you do to make AHS a better place!
Read MoreAHS Orchestra Receives the Highest Ratings
Our orchestras have been participating in their annual UIL contest for the past week. During the contest, the ensembles play rehearsed pieces and have to sight-read in front of judges. I am happy to share that our full orchestra has received all Division I ratings, which are the highest ratings to be earned! #Congrats #firsthere #besthere
Read MoreCamp Innovation
Camp Innovation 2024 Camp Innovation is a week-long camp that allows students to be creative using technology in a variety of ways. Each camp will include robotics, programming and many other fun activities. Registration Registration will open March 3rd at 5 00 pm : Spaces will fill quickly so apply ASAP! www.aisd.net campinnovation / DATES…
Read MoreVisual Arts Students Victorious At VASE! Six Advance to State
On Saturday, February 17, AHS kids brought 100 artworks to Timberview High School in Mansfield to compete at VASE (think UIL for Visual Art where students present their piece to a juror, participate in a short interview regarding their work, and then are given a score). 95 pieces earned a 4, the highest rating possible…
Read MoreSAT Boot Camp led by Mastery Prep prior to the school wide SAT day on March 6th. Date/Time: 8:30-3:00pm on Saturday, March 2nd at PDC
AISD Advanced Academics is hosting a SAT Boot Camp led by Mastery Prep prior to the schoolwide SAT day on March 6th. There are limited spots so please register as soon as you know you are available. The QR Code is on the attachment. Location: PDC 1111 W. Arbrook Blvd. Arlington, TX 76015 Date/Time: 8:30-3:00pm…
Read MoreJUNIORS!! Here Is A Great Opportunity To Take The SAT For FREE!!
We’re one month away from the juniors taking the SAT, so this is a great time to sign up and to prepare for the exam. If YOU do well on the school day SAT, YOU may never have to take another one (and this one’s free!). AHS School Day SAT
Read MoreFFA and AG Are Doing Great Things!
Brooklyn S., a 12th-grade student from AHS, sold her steer Kerosene at the Fort Worth Stock Show for $39 per pound, totaling $47,502. Fort Worth is one of the few shows that gives all the money to the student. This is the first time that we can recall that we have had a student make…
Read MoreBaseball Signing Day College-Bound Colts!
Celebrating National Signing Day 2024 for AHS baseball! Congrats to Dylan B., Jackson I., Ryan O., Kaden W., Ryan L., Eli T., and Barrett H.. @thearlingtonhigh @thsbca #carrythetorch #NationalSigningDay2024
Read MoreFootball Signing Day No matter how far you go, you will always be a COLT!
It was a special day in Colt Country as some of our football players made their college committment. Kick ’em!
Read MoreLady Colt Basketball Senior Night Thank you, Coach Floyd and Garcia!
Lady Colt’s Basketball had their Senior Night last night! We are so proud of these ladies and all their hard work over the years! 💚 Keep shining ladies ✨
Read MoreStudent Spotlight of the Month Cristian A.
If you see Cristian A., congratulate him for being selected as the Student Spotlight of the Month!
Read MoreTeacher Spotlight of the Month Justin McCullough
Shout out to Justin McCullough for getting out of his cave and into the spotlight! Be sure to congratulate him!
Read MoreGreat Performance by the AHS Visual Ensemble Check the Dates for future Performances!
Colt’s Visual Ensemble brought the house down at their first winter guard contest of the season!! Their performance was beautiful! Save the dates and go see them shine ✨ ✨✨
Read MoreOwen N. Scores 100th Win in Wrestling!
AHS Senior, Owen Nelson scored his 100th Varsity win on Wednesday, January 31 at the UIL District tournament.From his coach, Troy Collins: “It’s been years and years since AHS added a member to the 100-Win club and the first since I’ve taken over the program. He joins an elite club nationwide, few wrestlers achieve this…
Read MoreA message about Parking Expectations from Mrs. Humbles
Dear Arlington High School Parents and Guardians, I trust this message finds you well. We are reaching out to remind all student drivers of our parking expectations at Arlington High School. We expect all student drivers to have a registered driver’s license as well as a registered and insured vehicle. We want to clarify the…
Read MorePTA Reflection Winner-Art is Autumn R.
AHS student, Autumn R., won first placw in Reflections visual arts, high school division, and will advance to State! Here is her entry! “I am Hopeful for the Next Day”
Read MoreASVAB Testing is coming to Arlington HS Feb. 5 ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
The Career Exploration Program – ASVAB Testing is coming to Arlington HS twice during the Spring 2024 semester. The first opportunity is on Monday, February 5th, 2024. This test will be available to all Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who are interested in testing. There will be a second opportunity for the ASVAB on Tuesday, May 7th, 2023. The ASVAB – Armed Services…
Read MoreAll-State Choir
A huge congratulations to Miguel P. for earning a spot in the Tenor-Bass All-State Choir!
Read MoreMrs. Humbles’ Principal’s Message January 9, 2024
Hi Colts, Happy New Year! I hope you are all enjoying these last few moments of winter break. The staff reported back today and we spent some time together reflecting on 2023 while looking ahead to 2024. As we discussed our progress toward the goals we set last year, I talked about 2 types of…
Read MoreDavis Cooke placed 4th Chair at the AREA B Band competition on Saturday.
This is a huge accomplishment as it places him in the All-State Band. AHS hasn’t had a percussionist make the All-State Band since the 1990’s! His hard work and determination, along with the amazing teaching of our very own Mr. Brian Lowe has paid off! Davis must record his music by this Thursday and submit it for…
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