Each student will be issued a lunch account number. The account number takes the place of a lunch ticket, and the student’s lunch account is debited each time they make a purchase in the cafeteria lines. Money in the account may be spent any way the student wishes unless parents notify the cafeteria manager that they want the account blocked (in which case only a full lunch may be purchased). Money may be put into the account on any day. Siblings must have separate accounts. Parents are encouraged to put $5.00 in the student’s account for emergencies.
Students must report to the cafeteria during their lunchtime whether they plan to eat or not. Students are not permitted to leave school to eat lunch unless their parent signs them out and back into the building. Students may only be gone during their lunchtime.
Food snacks and canned drinks are not allowed to be taken from the cafeteria and should not be in the hallways.
Only parents/guardians may eat in the cafeteria with their student during lunch. No other guests are permitted. Food from outside the school brought by parents may only be given to the student they are visiting. The student may have up to two other students sit with them in the cafeteria.
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria beginning at 8:20 a.m. each morning. Students may use their food account number to pay for breakfast as well as lunch. Student breakfasts are $1.25 and adult breakfast is priced a la carte.
Full lunches and a la carte lunches are served in the cafeteria, with the option to buy milk, juice, and desserts separately. Student lunches are $2.60 and adult lunches are $3.25. In addition, students are allowed to bring sack lunches instead of buying. Lunchtime is short, so plan on eating while visiting your friends.
Gunn Junior High follows a progressive discipline plan as described in the AISD Code of Conduct Handbook. The system of discipline infractions and consequences are arranged in four levels: *Levels I, II, III, and IV. Level I include the least serious offenses, while Level IV is a more serious level of offense with serious consequences. Under progressive discipline, a student who repeatedly violates a lower level of discipline rule, may automatically progress to a more serious level of consequence.
*Levels of Student Misbehavior and Disciplinary Actions are explained in detail in the AISD Student Code of Conduct handbook.
Students may be assigned After School Detention, After School Administrative Detention, or Thursday Night School for infractions of policies in the Student Code of Conduct and Gunn Junior High policies.
As part of the Texas Education Code (Sec. 37.0012), all schools in Texas shall designate a Campus Behavior Coordinator whose primary responsibility is to maintain student discipline for the campus and be a contact for parents or guardians concerning individual student disciplinary actions by the school. The person designated may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal.