District Announcements
Weather Alert Update
We are closely monitoring the extreme cold conditions expected in our area.
At this time, all schools are operating on a normal schedule, but we will continue to track the weather and provide updates if any schedule changes are needed.
Stay warm and stay safe!
Updated: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 9:15 a.m.
Did you know it's Crossing Guard Appreciation Day in Texas? We want to say thank you to all the crossing guards provided by the City of Arlington, TX - City Hall and City of Grand Prairie - Municipal Government who keep our students safe every day as they come to school and go home. Thank you!
#TexasCrossingGuardAppreciationDay2025 ... See MoreSee Less
Support your child’s mental health and wellness by joining us for an informative event for parents and educators. Join leading family therapists to learn about important topics such as identifying anxiety, depression, grief, suicide ideation and parenting with purpose.
✅ This is an online event on Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m. CDT. Participation is anonymous. Register now at: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ptxt9ULHRJCbU3PFkOJ0rA#/registration.
Apoye la salud mental y el bienestar de su hijo acompañándonos en un evento informativo para padres y educadores. Únase a los principales terapeutas familiares para aprender sobre temas importantes como la identificación de la ansiedad, la depresión, el duelo, la ideación suicida y la crianza con propósito.
✅ Este es un evento en línea que será el miércoles, 15 de enero a las 7 p.m. CDT. La participación es anónima. Regístrese ahora en: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ptxt9ULHRJCbU3PFkOJ0rA#/registration. ... See MoreSee Less
Due to the winter weather conditions in North Texas, all Arlington ISD schools and facilities will remain closed on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025.
We will see students back in school on Monday, Jan. 13.
Stay safe and stay warm.
Debido a las condiciones climáticas invernales en el norte de Texas, todas las escuelas e instalaciones de Arlington ISD permanecerán cerradas el viernes 10 de enero de 2025.
Veremos a los estudiantes de regreso a la escuela el lunes 13 de enero.
Manténgase seguro y abrigado. ... See MoreSee Less
Due to the potential for winter weather in North Texas, all Arlington ISD schools and facilities will be closed on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025. There will be no classes, after-school activities or childcare services.
We will continue to monitor conditions and provide an update at a later time regarding whether we will be open or closed on Friday, Jan. 10.
Stay safe and stay tuned to the following channels for updates:
➡️District and campus Facebook pages
➡️Local news
➡️Arlington ISD app
Debido a la posibilidad de que se produzcan fenómenos meteorológicos invernales en el norte de Texas, todas las escuelas e instalaciones de Arlington ISD estarán cerradas el jueves 9 de enero de 2025. No habrá clases, actividades extraescolares ni servicios de cuidado infantil.
Seguiremos monitoreando las condiciones y proporcionaremos una actualización más adelante sobre si estaremos abiertos o cerrados el viernes 10 de enero.
Manténgase a salvo y esté atento a los siguientes canales para recibir actualizaciones:
➡️Correo electrónico
➡️Páginas de Facebook del distrito y del campus
➡️Noticias locales
➡️Aplicación de Arlington ISD
➡️www.aisd.net ... See MoreSee Less
Winter weather update: While the forecast remains uncertain, we are working closely with the National Weather Service and monitoring the situation.
If closures are necessary, we will notify parents and the community through the following channels:
➡️District and campus Facebook pages
➡️Local news stations
➡️Arlington ISD app (ensure notifications are enabled)
Actualización del clima invernal: aunque el pronóstico sigue siendo incierto, estamos trabajando en estrecha colaboración con el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional y monitoreando la situación.
Si es necesario realizar cierres, notificaremos a los padres y a la comunidad a través de los siguientes canales:
➡️Correo electrónico
➡️Páginas de Facebook del distrito y del campus
➡️Estaciones de noticias locales
➡️Aplicación de Arlington ISD (asegúrese de que las notificaciones estén habilitadas)
➡️www.aisd.net ... See MoreSee Less
🎇 Ideas can change the world. And our students have lots of great ones. That’s why Arlington ISD is proud to partner with the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce for the 19th annual “What’s Your Big Idea?” Entrepreneurship Contest.
The contest includes elementary, junior high and high school participants. First-, second- and third-place winners receive scholarships to attend the exclusive one-week “The BIG Idea Lab” Summer Camp where students will learn what it really means to be an entrepreneur.
❇️ To learn more and apply, visit: www.aisd.net/district-news/whats-your-big-idea-contest-2025/.
🎇 Las ideas pueden cambiar el mundo. Y nuestros estudiantes tienen muchas ideas geniales. Por eso, Arlington ISD se enorgullece de asociarse con la Gran Cámara de Comercio de Arlington para el 19 ° concurso anual de emprendimiento “¿Cuál es tu gran idea?”.
El concurso incluye participantes de escuelas primarias, secundarias y preparatorias. Los ganadores del primer, segundo y tercer lugar reciben becas para asistir al exclusivo campamento de verano de una semana “The BIG Idea Lab”, donde los estudiantes aprenderán lo que realmente significa ser un emprendedor.
❇️ Para más información y presentar su solicitud, visite: www.aisd.net/district-news/whats-your-big-idea-contest-2025/. ... See MoreSee Less
What’s Your Big Idea? entrepreneurship contest open now
Arlington ISD is partnering again with the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce for the “What’s Your Big Idea?” Entrepreneurship Contest.The Arlington ISD Aquatics Club tryouts will be held for swimmers ages 5 to 18 starting on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024, through Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025.
🏊 To learn more and sign up, visit: www.aisd.net/district-news/arlington-isd-aquatics-club-tryouts/.
💦 Or to go straight to the dates and times of tryouts, visit: www.gomotionapp.com/team/ntaac/page/parent-info/try-outs.
Las pruebas del Club Acuático de Arlington ISD se llevarán a cabo para nadadores de 5 a 18 años a partir del sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2024 hasta el martes, 28 de enero de 2025.
🏊 Para más información e inscribirse, visite: www.aisd.net/district-news/arlington-isd-aquatics-club-tryouts/.
💦 O para ir directamente a las fechas y horarios de las pruebas, visite: www.gomotionapp.com/team/ntaac/page/parent-info/try-outs. ... See MoreSee Less
The specialized programs application window for the 2025-26 school year in Arlington ISD is now open. These schools are hosting in-person and online information sessions with principals and teachers, beginning as early as Wednesday, Nov. 6.
If your elementary or junior high student has a passion for science, fine arts, dual language and technology, or they want to acquire a FREE associate degree with their high school diploma upon graduation, visit our latest blog post at: www.aisd.net/district-news/informational-meetings-for-arlington-isd-specialized-programs-begin-th... and learn more about the dates and times of each meeting.
Arlington ISD schools that are holding meetings include:
🔬 Arlington ISD STEM Academy at Martin High School
🎭 Corey and Jones fine arts and dual language academies
🤝 Crow Leadership Academy
📚 Early college high schools
💃 Gunn Junior High and Fine Arts and Dual Language Academy
🧪 Pearcy STEM Academy
🖥️ P-TECH at Bowie High School, Lamar, Sam Houston,
🇫🇷 Wimbish World Language Academy ... See MoreSee Less
Informational meetings for Arlington ISD specialized programs begin this week
Informational meetings for Arlington ISD specialized programs begin this week. Get the dates and times for every school's meeting.Explore Arlington ISD les dio a las familias la oportunidad de conocer academias que permiten a sus estudiantes explorar su cultura. Lea más sobre este evento y los programas especializados disponibles en Arlington ISD aquí: www.aisd.net/district-news/explore-arlington-isd-ayuda-familias/. ... See MoreSee Less
Explore Arlington ISD ayuda a las familias a comprender los programas
Explore Arlington ISD ayuda a las familias a comprender los programas. Los padres interesados aplican y siguen el proceso aquí.