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Registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open for all students!

Arlington ISD Student Registration

Preparing Students for a Lifetime of Success.

Online Registration

Pre-k through 12th grade
Get started by answering the following questions:


Registering your student requires the use of the Google Chrome browser on Windows or Mac computers and Android phones, or Safari on iPhone/iPad.

Using any other browser such as Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari on Mac may cause issues with completing your application.

Click Here to Download Google Chrome


Parents / Guardians must register all Arlington ISD students online through Frontline TEAMS (see above) and upload the appropriate documents shown below. Families are strongly encouraged to complete online registration and upload as many registration documents as possible during this process. These documents should be uploaded prior to the first day of school.

New Students Returning Students
  • Student's Original Birth Certificate
  • Photo ID of Parent/Guardian: Driver's license, state or international ID, or passport
  • Proof of Address: Current gas, water, or electricity bill OR Mortgage or lease agreement in the name of the parent/guardian
  • Current Immunization Record
  • Student's Social Security Card
  • Report Card from Prior School
  • Photo ID of Parent/Guardian: Driver's license, state or international ID, or passport
  • Proof of Address: Current gas, water, or electricity bill OR Mortgage or lease agreement in the name of the parent/guardian

If you need to complete your unfinished application, upload supporting documents, or print your confirmation, please login to Frontline

2024-2025 In Person Campus Registration Dates and Times

The district has set the following dates and times for campuses to remain open for parents and guardians to register students who are unable to be registered online.

Schools Students Dates Times
Elementary All Monday, August 5 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 1 - 3 p.m.
All Monday, August 5 6 - 8 p.m.
All Tuesday, August 6 8:30 - 11:30 a.m., 1 - 3 p.m.
Junior High New & Returning Monday, July 29 - Thursday, August 8 View campus web pages for times
High Schools New & Returning Monday, July 29 - Thursday, August 8 View campus web pages for times

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I recover my parent self serve username? How do I reset my password?

Please visit!login and click the buttons at the bottom of the page to recover your username or reset your password.

What if the password reset did not send an email/text to me?

Please check your email account SPAM or JUNK folder as most password resets are treated as spam by internet providers.
If you do not find the email in your spam/junk folder, you may not have provided the correct username for your Parent Self Serve account. Please visit!login and click the button at the bottom of the page to recover your username.

Why will the system not allow me to create a parent self serve (pss) account?

Please check the following items:

  • Parent/Guardian and Student names MUST MATCH EXACTLY with existing records in the system. Please check all spelling, capitalization, spacing and punctuation. Additionally, check that all names are entered or hyphenated as listed on the certified birth certificate. Be sure to use the name on the birth certificate, not the preferred name of the child, if it is different.

  • For Student ID, do not enter the child’s entire email address but only the numbers in the ID assigned to the child (same as the lunch number).

  • For SSN or State ID Number, enter SSN assigned by Social Security Administration without dashes. If you enrolling your child without a SSN, please contact the campus for the ID to use in this field.

  • For Parent/Guardian email, enter as all lowercase letters.

What if my children are not showing in my account?

  • If your children are returning to Arlington ISD and you do not see all of your children, you will need to contact the school office. The school will merge all students and link to your current account for visibility. Visit our school directory for the main office phone number for your school.

  • If your child is new to Arlington ISD, you will choose “Add a Student” in the drop down list.

The wrong school is showing in my account. How can I fix this? (I have an approved transfer, I have moved addresses, or my child was accepted to an aisd academy.)

The school your student is zoned to attend, based on your address in the system, will populate for enrollment. You will not be able to change the zoned school. Complete the form with the selected school.
If you have an approved transfer, letter of acceptance to an academy, or need to update the address, contact the new school to update it in the system. The school name will be updated once all paperwork has been validated.

Why is the wrong school showing for my newly enrolled student?

The school selected is based on the address provided in the system. If the address is incorrect, please contact your child’s school. The campus will be able to update it for you in the system.

How do I know if my student’s registration is complete and my student is enrolled for the upcoming school year?

After the parent or guardian finishes step 11 in the online registration system and presses the “Complete Online Forms" button, the parent should see an “Online Enrollment Confirmation” on the screen that includes a confirmation number and the recommended option to print the page. You will NOT receive a confirmation email.

Do I need to go in person to my campus to complete enrollment prior to the first day of school?

Many parents or guardians can complete registration completely online. However, there are some who will need to visit the student’s campus prior to the first day of school to complete registration. You will need to visit the campus in person if:

  • You have moved and your student is attending a new school this year

  • Your student is new to Arlington ISD

  • There is a custody/parent/guardian change for your student

  • Your student is under the age of 12 and new to Arlington ISD

  • Your student is coming back to Arlington ISD from another school district/system for this school year.

The school I want my child to attend is not available. May I choose another?

Transfers are only available during the open transfer windows. Dates of the transfer windows are posted at

My transfer was accepted and my child is new to the district, so I’ve never had a parent self serve account with Arlington ISD. What’s my next step?

To register your child, please follow the steps outlined for a New Student at the top of this page.

There has been a change to the parent/guardian on my account due to custody. How do I change that in the system?

We understand that your custody documentation may necessitate a change to the account and who will complete the online registration. As a security precaution, we do not change the responsible parties without picture IDs.
Please contact your student’s school to assist with these changes.


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If you have questions about the registration process or need technical assistance completing your application, please email