Career and Technology

Anna Fotoohi
HOSA Sponsor, Department Chair, Health Science

Joshua Anduha
Freshman Football Coach, Business

Stephanie Bowsher
FCCLA, Culinary

Tri Bui
Computer Science, Technology Applications

Sean Fanning
Bar-B-Cougs Sponsor, Intro to Culinary Arts

Camila Holbrook
Accounting I, Accounting II, Video Game Design, Money Matters

Justin Jackson
Digital Design, Assistant Football Coach, A/V Production, Animation

Teresa Menard
Family & Consumer Science

James McGinty IV
Graphic Design, Photography Club, E-Sports Sponsor, Photography

Renwick Ridgeway
Girls Track Coach, Girls Cross Country Coach, Engineering

Reece Rodriguez
Girls Soccer Coach, Anatomy and Physiology, Advanced Biology, Biology

Stephanie Rodriguez
Health Science