Trustees approve Notice of Election
Arlington ISD’s Board of Trustees meeting on February 22, 2024, is in the books, and here are a few of the highlights.
If you saw the last meeting, you know the district has a record number of students this year who were named National Merit Semifinalists or received National Hispanic Recognition, National African American Recognition and National Indigenous Recognition. We started recognizing them in the last meeting, but there were too many to honor in one night. So, tonight, the board continued where they left off and honored students from Arlington Collegiate, Arlington College and Career, Arlington, Bowie, Sam Houston and Seguin high schools.
After getting to hear from these accomplished students, the trustees had a lot of business to get to. Among financial items, the board approved the monthly financial report on operations and the district’s investment activity report through December. They also received a financial update from Arlington ISD assistant superintendent of financial services Carla Martin on the general operating fund, the capital outlay fund, the debt service fund and the food service fund.
In bond news, the trustees approved the budget and general contractor for the additions and renovations projects at Johns, Foster and Atherton elementary schools. Work on those projects should start soon.
The board also approved the Notice of Election for an election to fill places one, two and three on the Arlington ISD Board of Trustees. The election will be on May 4, with early voting April 22 through April 30.
Finally, Zonda Education presented a demographic report and forecast. The board gets this report every year to help them plan for the future and make informed decisions about attendance zone planning and budgeting. The report included regional economic conditions, enrollment patterns, housing data, Arlington ISD comparisons and enrollment projections.
Those are just a few of the highlights. If you would like more details on any of these, or any of the items not covered in this Brief, please click here to watch the entire meeting.