Annual turkey show gets lots of laughs
The director of Arlington ISD’s early childhood learning department is a turkey.
At least she was on Tuesday at Morton and Goodman elementary schools.
Dr. Jackeline Orsini and her early childhood learning team visited the schools’ pre-K and kindergarten students and acted out a fun story about a runaway turkey.
Ken Foster, an Arlington ISD early childhood learning specialist and former pre-K teacher at Kooken Education Center, played his guitar and sang about the turkey (Orsini) hiding and running from a chef – played by Dr. Hildelisa Díaz, Arlington ISD early childhood learning coordinator.
It was a hit. The students made no effort to hide their excitement as they cheered for the turkey and chef running around the room.
“We LOVE doing this for the kids, schools and all our early childhood teachers,” Orsini said. “It’s a way to support our EC teachers and deliver magical experiences for our pre-K and kindergarten students. Above all, it captures the essence of early learning in Arlington ISD – education that is purposeful and fun.”
It was definitely fun. The smiles, laughs and squeals of excitement made that clear. But it was also a chance for everyone to think about and share what they’re thankful for.
Several shared that they are thankful for their cats.
“I’m thankful for all of you!” Foster told the students as he wrapped up the show.
Pre-K registration is still open
If you have a 3- or 4-year-old who isn’t already enrolled in Arlington ISD’s pre-K, it’s not too late. Register now and jumpstart their education with Arlington ISD’s fun and purposeful pre-K.
Register today and learn more at aisd.net/prek.