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Submitting a Proposal:

Complete the TI Grant Planning Worksheet outlining your plan for innovative learning through technology.

  • Create a copy of the TI Grant Planning Worksheet
  • Rename this worksheet to include the campus name at the beginning of the title. It's recommended that you share the sheet with all of your grant collaborators, if applicable.
  • When developing your grant proposal, you may find it helpful to refer to the TI Grant Evaluation Rubric. The rubric contains descriptions related to the points for each scored category.
  • After completing the planning worksheet, you will need to share it with the Technology Integration Specialist (TIS) for your campus.
  • Deadline for sharing the planning worksheet with your TIS is Wednesday, September 12, 2018.
  • Once your TIS receives the planning worksheet, he/she will send you the link to the TI Grant Proposal Form.
  • TI Grant Proposal Forms must be submitted by 11:59 pm on Monday, September 24, 2018
  • Any proposals submitted without being reviewed by your TIS or incomplete proposals will not be scored.