The AISD Department of Guidance and Counseling is constantly updating this website with new deadline information.
As we receive updated information and forms from scholarship providers, we will update these listings.
We have left all of the previous years listings intact for your reference. Deadline will show TBD if updated info is not available.
The Arlington Board of Realtors (ARBOR)
Deadline: March 18, 2025 - Emailed to or dropped off at Arlington Board of REALTORS® - 3916 Interstate 20 W, Suite 160, Arlington, TX 76017 before 5:00pm
Award Value: $1,000
Description: ARBOR will award (5) graduating seniors in the current school year that are interested in any field of study. Open to 2025 graduating students from a Public, Private or Home School in the Arlington, Mansfield, Kennedale ISD geographic area or any Public, Private or Home School Schools in Ellis and Hill Counties in Texas.
Arlington Council of PTAs
Deadline: March 7, 2025
Award Value: $500
Description: Arlington Council of PTAs Student Scholarship will be based on academic record, school and community involvement, financial need, work experience, and completeness of form.
Altrusa International Club of Arlington
Deadline: April 5, 2025
Award Value: $4,000
The Boles Family Health Science Career Scholarship
Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025
Award Value: $5,000
Description: The Boles Scholarship will be awarded to two graduating seniors seeking post-secondary education in Health Science.
Application: Applications are also available at the high school campus counseling centers.
Bret Talley Scholarship for Future Tech Pioneers 2025
Deadline: April 15, 2025
Award Value: $1,000
Description: Open to students who will attend post-secondary education to study technology
Comedy Defensive Driving
- Fall - December 31st
- Spring - May 31st
Award Value: $1000
Description: Design an advertisement against distracted driving; you will be judged based on the quality of the content, it's usability as an ad (billboard, commercial, PSA, banner, etc) and how it effectively convinces drivers to stay focused on the road We are looking for creative, and helpful ads with maybe a bit of humor or irony.
Communities Foundation of Texas Scholarship Portal
Description: Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) is privileged to partner with our generous donors on the following scholarship opportunities. Universal Application will be available to students through our scholarship portal.
Please read the scholarship descriptions carefully to understand the criteria. No documentation will be accepted outside of the application portal or after the scholarship deadline that is listed below.
EECU Scholarship
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Award Value: Up to $5,000
Financial Aid Guide for Students at Online Colleges
Provides free student guides and college search information, along with expert advice from an experienced online instructor and thought leader.
Flip Foundation Scholarship
Deadline: March 30, 2025
Greater Arlington Chamber
Deadline: Varies
Award Value: Varies
Greater Arlington Chamber Scholarship
Deadline: February 23, 2025
Award Value: Eight (8) $2,500
Description: The Greater Arlington Chamber Scholarship Program awards $20,000 in scholarships each year to graduating seniors within the Arlington ISD to attend a college/university of their choice! Eight (8) $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to one graduating senior from each of the six traditional high schools and the two early college high schools. Applicants are required to complete the online application, write an essay based on the essay topic provided and upload all of the supporting documents.
Happy Meals Association
Deadline: June 15th of the graduating year
Award Value: $1000
Description: Give back to the community that raised us and remain a grassroots community organization. Criteria is based upon student being at any Arlington Texas High School from their freshman to their senior year consecutively, have a GPA of at least 3.0 and a parent or guardian is a member of HMA.
Hazel F. Wilson Scholarship - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Deadline: February 15, 2025
Description: Triumphant Soror Hazel F. Wilson served as a leader in the sorority who fervently upheld and demonstrated the principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. which are Scholarship, Service, Sisterly Love, and Finer Womanhood. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is excited to offer this special scholarship opportunity to young ladies who excel in leadership, academics, and service.
J.W. Counts Scholarship
Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025
Award Value: $1,000
Description: The J. Woodrow Counts Scholarship was created in honor of one of AISD's late superintendents, James Woodrow Counts. This scholarship is open to all seniors in their graduating class.
Application: Applications are available at the high school campus counseling centers.
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
Deadline: Varies
Award Value: Varies
Description: The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s scholarship programs are designed to encourage and support outstanding students who work hard and have financial need. Our scholarships provide financial assistance and academic support to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. In addition to the monetary award, students join a thriving network of nearly 2,800 Cooke Scholars.
Deadline: Varies
Award Value: Up to $10,000
Description: After attending one of our events, young adults age 18-28 and graduating high school seniors have the opportunity to apply for our 3-month coaching program followed by a Fund My Mission Scholarship. After completing the 3-month program, participants are eligible to apply for the Fund My Mission Scholarship. Recipients are awarded up to $5,000 per award period, with a lifetime maximum of $10,000, to help fund education, training, coaching or certifications that align with the fulfillment of their personal life mission.
Lead Roster B2B Sales & Marketing Scholarship
Deadline: December 15th of each year
Award Value: $1,000
Description: The Lead Roster B2B Sales & Marketing Scholarship is a highly competitive award for high school an college students interested in sales & marketing. The scholarship is awarded on December 20th of each year.
Mexican American School Boards Association (MASBA)
Deadline: Monday, March 3rd, 2025 at 5pm MST/6pm CST
Award Value: $5,000
Description: As part of our commitment to advancing equity and opportunity for Latino students, MASBA is proud to support graduating high school seniors as they pursue their educational and career goals.
Michael Wilkinson Foundation
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Award Value: $2,500
Description: In an effort to honor those who are pursuing a higher education and have been affected by addiction personally, the Michael Wilkinson Foundation awards eight scholarships to Arlington Independent School District high school seniors annually. Scholarship awards are based on school and community involvement, academic record, financial need, essay submission, and completeness of the application.
Newana Counts Youth
Deadline: April 1st of each year
Award Value: $1,000
Description: This scholarship is for the outstanding student who plans to enter the field of nursing or a related field.
One Southlake Student Scholarship and Teacher Grant
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Award Value: First Prize: $2,000 Second Prize: $1,500 Third Prize: $1,000 Teacher Grant: $500
Description: The One Southlake Scholarship for 2025 provides College and Technical School Scholarships to exceptional students. It requires several hours of online coursework, an essay or video presentation and an application. It is open to 10th through 12th graders, including home-school students.
Precision Metalforming Association Educational Foundation (PMAEF)
Deadline: March 16, 2025, 11:55 p.m. EST
Award Value: $1,000 or more
Description: www.pma.prg/foundation
See Flyer attached. SEO & Content Marketing Scholarship
Deadline: December 15th of each year
Award Value: $1000
Description: The SEO & Content Marketing Scholarship is a highly competitive award for school and college students interested in SEO and content marketing. This is a $1,000 scholarship, and is awarded on December 20th of each year.
Sigma Gamma Rho Consuella Payne Parker Scholarship
Deadline: Various
Award Value: Various
Description: The Consuella Payne-Parker Scholarship will be awarded as one scholarship in the amount of $1000. Eligible participants must be graduating high school seniors (male or female) and must be enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited four-year college or university by the following academic school year. Participants must complete the entire application process online, address the package to the Scholarship Chair, mail or email by the deadline above. Applications postmarked or emailed after April 30, 2021, will NOT be accepted. The recipient of the award must present a current bill from the college or university indicating proof of registration before a check is released.
Stonewater Roofing Scholarship
Deadline: April 6, 2025
Award Value: $2,500
Description: Stonewater Roofing is awarding scholarships to outstanding high school seniors from across East Texas, DFW, Austin, Texarkana, and surrounding areas who plan to attend college or other post-secondary programs.
Student Scholarships
Deadline: Various
Award Value: Various
Description: Registered users will be matched with scholarships that fit their profile.
TCC Foundation Scholarships
Deadline: Varies
Award Value: Varies
Description: While there are many offered, ScholarshipsForMe is our simple online system that will automatically match you to all TCC Foundation scholarships for which you are eligible..
Texas A&M University Scholarships
Deadline: Varies
Award Value: $1000
Description: The Fort Worth/Tarrant County Aggie Moms’ Club is pleased to offer scholarship opportunities to students who will be enrolled as full-time students at Texas A&M University during the 2016-2017 school year and reside in Tarrant County or an adjacent county that is not represented by an A&M Mothers’ Club.
Texas SAR - JROTC Recognition Enhanced Program
Deadline: January 20th (annually)
Award Value:
- Texas SAR: $2,500 plus limited trip expenses to national congress;
- National SAR: $2,000
Description: This SAR scholarship is awarded to outstanding JROTC cadets as an opportunity to foster the principle of the "Citizen-Soldier" exemplified by the Minutemen of Revolutionary War days. It is eligible to all (male and female) area JROTC members in their junior year of high school.
Texas SAR - George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest & Scholarship
Deadline: Mid December (annually)
Award Value:
- Texas SAR: 1st-$2,500 plus limited trip expenses to the national congress, 2nd-$750, 3rd-$500;
- National SAR: 1st-$5,000, 2nd-$2,500, 3rd-$1,000
Description: This scholarship is awarded to students as an opportunity to explore events that shaped American history. It is eligible to all (male and female) Texas public, private and home-schooled freshmen through senior high school students.
Texas SAR - Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest & Scholarship
Deadline: Mid December (annually)
Award Value:
- Texas SAR: 1st-$2,500 plus limited trip expenses to the national congress, 2nd-$750, 3rd-$500; 4th-$300
- National SAR: 1st-$5,000, 2nd-$3,000, 3rd-$2,000, All Finalist-$400
Description: This scholarship is awarded to students as an opportunity to support historical research and emphasizing American History in our high schools by promoting oratorical presentations related to our Revolutionary War period 1750-1800. It is eligible to all (male and female) Texas public, private and home-schooled freshmen through Senior High School students.
Texas SAR - Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest & Scholarship
Deadline: Mid December (annually)
Award Value:
- Texas SAR: 1st-$2,500 plus limited trip expenses to the national congress, 2nd-$750, 3rd-$500;
- National SAR: 1st-$10,000, 2nd-$6,000, 3rd-$4,000
Description: This scholarship is awarded to BSA Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have not reached their 19th birthday during the year of application.
University of North Texas
Deadline: Various
Award Value: Various
Description: A range of scholarships that are funded by the university and donors who support UNT. In order to be considered for these scholarships, students must complete the general scholarship application annually. When completing the annual application, please review specific scholarship opportunity criteria and related deadlines.
UTA - Numerous Scholarships
Deadline: Various
Award Value: Various
UTA - Mav Scholar Shop
Deadline: Various
Award Value: Various
Description: UTA’s online scholarship system...
UTSA Alumni
Deadline: Various
Award Value: Range $2500 - $5000
Description: Scholarships are only possible with funds generated from Alumni Association membership dues and donations. Through the generosity and support of alumni, the doors of higher education are opened to deserving UTSA students so they may all achieve their life's dreams.
Vivienne Redlich Educational Scholarship Fund
Deadline: March 7, 2025
Award Value: $800
Description: Open to Arlington ISD students who will attend post-secondary education at a 2- or 4-year College or University.
Application - Applications are also available at the high school campus counseling centers.