Webb Elementary is going to be rebuilt as part of the 2019 Bond program. On March 5, Webb students and parents helped with the design of the future building.
The architect for the new Webb, BRW Architects, and Arlington ISD facility staff hosted a design charrette in the current Webb library for parents and students.
“You’re going to help us determine how we design your new elementary school,” said Kelly Horn, AISD executive director of facility services, as he welcomed the parents and students.
The design process for the new school is just getting started. To kick it off, BRW is holding a series of charrettes. The first two were with AISD administrators and teachers and the third was yesterday for the Webb community. A fourth meeting is scheduled for later this month.
The charrettes – interactive, conversational meetings – are intended to set the vision for the future Webb and help architects understand the needs and desires that the district and the Webb community have for the new campus.
On March 5, Webb parents and students gave their input on how the new site should lay out and how they envision their “dream classroom.” They also discussed and gave feedback on outdoor spaces, the media center (library) and dining area.
See photos from the charrette.
Webb Elementary will be rebuilt because the current building is old (built in 1960) and has significant condition needs. The cost to replace the building is less than the cost to renovate it for the types of learning spaces needed today. Though safe and well-maintained, the current Webb building is no longer efficient to operate. By replacing it with a new building, Webb’s students and staff will get to learn and teach in modern spaces.
Since Webb sits on a large site, the current Webb can remain open while the new building is constructed next to it. Once the new building opens, the old facility will be torn down.
Follow the progress of Webb and all Bond 2019 projects at aisd.net/bond2019.