AVID recognizes National Demonstration Schools as exemplary models of the AVID College Readiness System. Bowie is one of 30 schools in Texas and 150 nationwide to earn this distinction. AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
Cera Holder: Coordinator
Nytasha Wilson: AVID Counselor nwilson1@aisd.net 682-867-4529 Room: 513 |
Noelle Lozano: Administrator nlozano@aisd.net 682-867-4510 |

What is AVID?
Avid adj.: enthusiastic; ardent; characterized by vigorous pursuit [ L avidus, eager for knowledge]
AVID is a college readiness system for grades six through twelve that empowers students to succeed in a rigorous academic curriculum.
The goal of AVID is to educate the whole student by unifying six important elements of education: students, curriculum, faculty, skills, parents, and community.
The AVID curriculum includes instruction in WICOR strategies, study skills, organizational skills, communication skills, writing, test-taking strategies, personal development, and team-building.

AVID Staff
Devon Campbell
Shayne Fergusion
Cera Holder
Charles Steward
Chiketha Williams
Joseph Williams
Maria Ibarra
Don Nguyen
Valery Jackson
Willie Carter
Misti Carraway
Tremaine Sapp