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District Announcements

Weather Alert Update

We are closely monitoring the extreme cold conditions expected in our area.

At this time, all schools are operating on a normal schedule, but we will continue to track the weather and provide updates if any schedule changes are needed.

Stay warm and stay safe!

Updated: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 9:15 a.m.


Sign up to be a Class of 2027 Representative! Scan the QR code and fill out or Rm. 418, Mrs. Pechacek

Sign up to be a Class of 2027 Representative! Scan the QR code and fill out the form or come…

Bowie Cheer Squad Tryouts! Deadline: 2/18 Click for details!

Missed the Parent Meeting? Here’s your chance to try out for the Bowie High School Cheer Squad. Scan the code…

Juniors! Free SAT Prep Sessions Every Tues/Thurs in Feb., Rm. 312. Click for details!

HEY Juniors! School Day SAT is Wednesday, March 5th! BHS is offering FREE SAT Prep sessions every Tuesday and Thursday…

Yearbook Sales Click here for more info!

See Ms. Crawford in room 501 for more information.

Join IB! Click here to find out more!

Interested in joining IB? Want to know what IB is all about? Click here to find out more!

Class of 2027 Sophomore class Instagram @bowieclass2027

Attention Class of 2027: Follow the Sophomore class on Instagram @bowieclass2027 for important info about events, fundraisers and more!

Free Sign Language Classes Click here for info!

Every Wed. from 5-6pm. Open to all ages. September 2024-May 2025

Campus News

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480314302 1087508940055249 6329190644242655613 n.jpg?stp=dst jpg p720x720 tt6& nc cat=104&ccb=1 7& nc sid=833d8c& nc ohc=KXUui JCd78Q7kNvgFOEbA3& nc oc=AdhS63ip1Vt0P4QoQZe5jCm z3fg0vNUvKsdrFs AZW8nos2YvsTAkswbsUydfi cMw& nc zt=23& nc ht=scontent ord5 2

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479494079 1086943553445121 1449048590154420905 n.jpg?stp=dst jpg p720x720 tt6& nc cat=109&ccb=1 7& nc sid=833d8c& nc ohc=MHRqTNNMxwgQ7kNvgEfLm w& nc oc=AdhjTkYNI7MA3VcRibZ5JaaZBFjQO5SLi 8EFYx9fsrdK2Xy aSQqqc5ILFC3b8Uqps& nc zt=23& nc ht=scontent ord5 2

Shoutout to our amazing lunch ladies! Keeping us fed!! ❤️❤️ ... See MoreSee Less

Shoutout to our amazing lunch ladies!   Keeping us fed!!  ❤️❤️

Did you know it's Crossing Guard Appreciation Day in Texas? We want to say thank you to all the crossing guards provided by the City of Arlington, TX - City Hall and City of Grand Prairie - Municipal Government who keep our students safe every day as they come to school and go home. Thank you!

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Did you know its Crossing Guard Appreciation Day in Texas? We want to say thank you to all the crossing guards provided by the City of Arlington, TX - City Hall and City of Grand Prairie - Municipal Government who keep our students safe every day as they come to school and go home. Thank you!


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475843950 1079329264206550 7952641758645749406 n.jpg?stp=dst jpg p720x720 tt6& nc cat=107&ccb=1 7& nc sid=833d8c& nc ohc=rasVI0Bvcu0Q7kNvgGPY3B6& nc oc=AdjeMeiCwuulimPx3IfXdrifMVWtTM8sebZTnqb iErK0QPJf2k3ZMFirKlmcW6fFk4& nc zt=23& nc ht=scontent ord5 2
1 month ago

Bowie Wrestling Team!!! Let’s GO BOWIE!!!! ... See MoreSee Less

Bowie Wrestling Team!!! Let’s GO BOWIE!!!!Image attachment

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Go Vols!

Here's the link for the streamed:

Here's the link to streamed:

Support your child’s mental health and wellness by joining us for an informative event for parents and educators. Join leading family therapists to learn about important topics such as identifying anxiety, depression, grief, suicide ideation and parenting with purpose.

✅ This is an online event on Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m. CDT. Participation is anonymous. Register now at:

Apoye la salud mental y el bienestar de su hijo acompañándonos en un evento informativo para padres y educadores. Únase a los principales terapeutas familiares para aprender sobre temas importantes como la identificación de la ansiedad, la depresión, el duelo, la ideación suicida y la crianza con propósito.

✅ Este es un evento en línea que será el miércoles, 15 de enero a las 7 p.m. CDT. La participación es anónima. Regístrese ahora en:
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Support your child’s mental health and wellness by joining us for an informative event for parents and educators. Join leading family therapists to learn about important topics such as identifying anxiety, depression, grief, suicide ideation and parenting with purpose.

✅ This is an online event on Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m. CDT. Participation is anonymous. Register now at: 

Apoye la salud mental y el bienestar de su hijo acompañándonos en un evento informativo para padres y educadores. Únase a los principales terapeutas familiares para aprender sobre temas importantes como la identificación de la ansiedad, la depresión, el duelo, la ideación suicida y la crianza con propósito.

✅ Este es un evento en línea que será el miércoles, 15 de enero a las 7 p.m. CDT. La participación es anónima. Regístrese ahora en:

Due to the winter weather conditions in North Texas, all Arlington ISD schools and facilities will remain closed on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025.

We will see students back in school on Monday, Jan. 13.

Stay safe and stay warm.

Debido a las condiciones climáticas invernales en el norte de Texas, todas las escuelas e instalaciones de Arlington ISD permanecerán cerradas el viernes 10 de enero de 2025.

Veremos a los estudiantes de regreso a la escuela el lunes 13 de enero.

Manténgase seguro y abrigado.
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Due to the winter weather conditions in North Texas, all Arlington ISD schools and facilities will remain closed on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025.  

We will see students back in school on Monday, Jan. 13.

Stay safe and stay warm.

Debido a las condiciones climáticas invernales en el norte de Texas, todas las escuelas e instalaciones de Arlington ISD permanecerán cerradas el viernes 10 de enero de 2025.

Veremos a los estudiantes de regreso a la escuela el lunes 13 de enero.

Manténgase seguro y abrigado.

After carefully considering the ongoing winter weather, we will close all campuses and district offices on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025. After-school activities and childcare will also be closed.

Stay safe, stay warm, and we’ll see everyone on Monday!
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1 CommentComment on Facebook

Thank you for the update 💙🧡Stay warm!

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