Last week Duff Elementary physical education teacher Matt Bostick gave us some time to catch our breath, as his Workout Wednesday featured just three exercises.
That’s not the case for this edition of Workout Wednesday, as Bostick ramps things up with a 12-minute AMRAP (as many repetitions as possible). The good news is you have options, like with push-ups.
While the traditional pushup might not be in your repertoire, that’s okay because you can do a wall push-up or a chair push-up or even a snake push-up. Don’t know what that is? Watch this week’s Workout Wednesday to see.
The bad news is Bostick has you picking up the pace with exercises in multiples of five.
Here’s Workout Wednesday No. 6.
12-Minute AMRAP (multiples of five)
• 5 push-ups (snake, walk chair, knee, hand release, snake, traditional)
• 10 burpees (belly flopper)
• 15 broad jumps
• 20 mountain climbers If you missed any of your Workout Wednesdays, you can see the entire playlist here.