District News Archive
Carter Junior High is going to be rebuilt, and the design of the new building is officially underway. After meeting last week with senior district administrators to hear their desires for the new Carter, Corgan, the architect hired to design the new school, hosted the first of three design charettes. In the first charette, the…
Read More about Design for new Carter Junior High underway.Today may officially be Veterans Day, but students across the Arlington ISD got memorable visits from heroic veterans last week. Two Medal of Honor recipients – Major General Patrick Brady and Command Sergeant Major Robert Patterson – visited six campuses and talked to students about their experiences and also gave them advice. The visits were…
Read More about Medal of Honor winners visit six Arlington ISD schools.Students from across the district brought down the house at the Junior High One Act Process Festival, a two-day event hosted by the Arlington ISD Center for Visual and Performing Arts. The theater department from each Arlington ISD junior high had the opportunity to perform one act from a play of their choice at the…
Read More about Junior High Students Shine in Acting Festival.The Arlington ISD continues to garner recognition for its financial reporting. For the 42nd-consecutive year, the district was honored with a Certificate of Achievement from the Government Finance Officers Association. The award was for the district’s annual financial report for the year ending June 30, 2020. To receive that honor, the district published a comprehensive…
Read More about Arlington ISD honored for its financial reporting.Monsters Inside Me is a long-running documentary series about infectious diseases where you could watch a man develop a strange growth on his wrist or a pregnant woman fall dangerously ill with flu-like symptoms, yet in the end, it’s not the flu at all. Instead, it’s parasites eating up the body. That medical phenomenon is…
Read More about College Night Gives Students a Jump on Their Higher Education Plans.Arlington ISD quiere que sus estudiantes alcancen su máximo potencial a través de experiencias de aprendizaje relevantes, innovadoras y rigurosas. Los tres aspectos comienzan en la escuela primaria en Arlington ISD, y no hay nada más innovador que los programas especializados de la escuela primaria que ofrece el distrito. Los estudiantes de kindergarten en Arlington…
Read More about COMIENCE SU FUTURO EN KINDERGARTEN EN ARLINGTON ISD.Arlington ISD quiere preparar a los estudiantes para su futuro y tiene los programas para hacer precisamente eso. No importa si el futuro es la universidad o una carrera, Arlington ISD lo llevará allí a través de sus ofertas de programas especializados que a menudo incluyen la oportunidad de obtener créditos universitarios gratuitos. “No todos…
Read More about SU FUTURO COMIENZA AHORA EN ARLINGTON ISD.National School Psychology Week (NSPW) is here, and it’s time to celebrate the important work school psychologists do year-round to help students succeed. This year’s theme for the week of November 8-12 is “Let’s Get in Gear,” and Arlington ISD’s licensed specialists in school psychology are ready to help educate staff on best practices to…
Read More about National School Psychology Week is Nov. 8-12.The Arlington ISD wants to set students up for their future and has the programs to do just that. It doesn’t matter if the future is college or career, the Arlington ISD will get you there through its specialized programs offerings that often include the opportunity for free college credits. “Not everyone has the same…
Read More about Your future starts now in the Arlington ISD.The Arlington ISD wants its students to reach their maximum potential through relevant, innovative and rigorous learning experiences. All three of those aspects start in elementary school in the Arlington ISD, and there’s nothing more innovative than the elementary school specialized programs the district offers. Students in kindergarten in the Arlington ISD can start following…
Read More about Start your future in kindergarten in the Arlington ISD.