Three sons graduated from Bowie High School
January is School Board Recognition Month and fittingly the theme is Navigating To Success. The Arlington ISD Board of Trustees had to navigate through some uncharted waters in 2020. We wanted to get their thoughts on the year and what they’ve learned in helping lead a district of nearly 60,000 students and more than 8,000 employees through a pandemic.
Name: Kecia Mays
Board member since: 2014
〉Ties to Arlington ISD:
Three sons attended Farrell Elementary, Barnett Junior High and graduated from Bowie High School in 2016, 2017 and 2019, respectively.
〉What’s been the toughest part about being a board member during a pandemic?
Knowing the struggle that staff, students and parents feel and not being able to fix all the residuals from this pandemic. Being able to convey how thankful I am for our teachers and the extra work they are doing to teach during this pandemic whether virtual or in-person and watching some of their students struggling for a variety of reasons. Hearing students that are mentally struggling with personal issues of losing loved ones to the virus, parent(s) losing jobs and some of them having to get jobs themselves to help sustain their home during this pandemic. I continue to offer prayers and condolences to those that have experienced loss.
〉What have you learned about yourself in the last year?
I have learned to take one day at a time because tomorrow is not promised. I have learned that laughter is good medicine. I have learned that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
〉What’s helped you get through the last year?
My faith in God.
〉The theme for the month is Navigating to Success. What do you think has made the Arlington ISD a success?
The strong leadership of our Superintendent, the desire by central administration to help navigate the district and the will of our teachers and staff to continue supporting our students. The board has worked together to vet out different options to continue educating our students and doing what we felt was best to keep everyone safe.
〉How have you seen Arlington ISD students rise to the challenges presented to them over the last year?
I have seen the students competing on athletic fields, in gyms, zooming club meetings, physically attending classes while following the ‘new rules’, logging on to virtual classes and staying engaged, taking virtual tours of college campuses and asking for help. Have you heard the stories of our Students of the Month? Our students have created groups to talk about their frustration of loss, change of normalcy and feelings of social separation. Our students collected clothes and food for those in need, sent emails to teachers of thanks. This past year our students let their voices be heard that there are inequities that need to be exposed and discussed with an outcome of action. Our students have risen to the challenge by leaning on each other, understanding that there is nothing that cannot be accomplished when we ALL work together and look to each other for strength and support when we are faced with challenges that we cannot control……we find a way to move forward.
Learn more about our Board of Trustees.