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co-salutatorian 2024 Alyssa Vu from Bowie High School
Posted in , , on June 2, 2024


It’s graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight Arlington ISD high schools. Meet Bowie High School’s co-salutatorian Alyssa Vu.

NAME: Alyssa Vu

SCHOOL: Bowie High School

COLLEGE: University of Texas at Arlington

INTENDED MAJOR: Computer science

〉What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Definitely don’t slack off, and try to plan a schedule so you don’t procrastinate. I would do assignments a week ahead so I would be caught up. A lot of assignments from different classes overlap.

〉If you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I think I would just want to be Spiderman. He has such a good reputation, and it would be fun to swing around buildings.

〉What are you most excited about after graduation?

Probably moving on to college and having more freedom as well as control over my academics.

〉Who inspires you the most and why?

My older brother Nhan inspires me the most since he is someone I look up to and he’s the whole reason I’m going into computer science.

〉What’s been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory might have just been any event for getting money for senior prom such as Senior Sunrise or any of the fundraising campaigns. It was nice to collaborate with other people as well as to have a collective goal in mind. We were able to pay off our prom venue even though it was like $40,000 and we had no money to begin with.