Arlington ISD’s parent and community engagement department is hosting a Fall Family Academy at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at Boles Junior High.
“Gearing up for Success – Families Powered by Possibilities” features a series of workshop sessions aimed to help families stay engaged with their student’s academic and social success.
Campus and district-level presenters will provide resources, tools and strategies to support your student as they start the school year. This is for families of students of all ages and there will be dinner provided by the Arlington ISD Food and Nutrition department. Childcare will be provided by the parent and community engagement department. Registration is required and you can sign up here.
The workshops include:
Establishing Routines – Learn to establish predictable and consistent homework, bedtime and morning routines.
Social Emotional Learning – Support your child’s personal, academic and social development.
Career & Tech Ed – Discover innovative learning through on-the-job experiences at the Arlington ISD Dan Dipert Career and Technical Center.
Parent/Teacher Conference – Learn the right tools that will lead to a productive collaboration.
Positive Behaviors at Home – Learn how to develop a family respect agreement and behavior expectations matrix to support communication at home.
Strategies to Close the Achievement Gap – Participants will leave with a list of activities and ideas as well as several make and takes to support students at home. The activities will be geared toward K-6 students. Some Spanish materials will be available. Learn literacy strategies to improve your student’s literacy skills.
Safety page – Learn about Arlington ISD’s new safety page, terminology and live online security tracker.