Q&A with Principal Donita James
October is National Principals Month in Arlington ISD, which is a great time to shine the spotlight on the outstanding principals the district has. Next up is Berry Elementary principal Donita James, who is in her first full year as the principal of the school after taking over as the interim last December.
James started college wanting to be the Oprah Winfrey for the teen set, majoring in communications while mixing in education classes. She started her career as a sub and fell in love with education, and she’s been with the Arlington ISD since 2008, serving as a school counselor [Webb Elementary], assistant principal [Speer Elementary, McNutt Elementary], principal in residency [Patrick Elementary] and now the principal at Berry.
〉How different has this year been for you with Berry now officially being your school?
Last year gave me time to get to know the teachers and get to know the needs of the campus. Since I had the opportunity to gain that information and build relationships, starting the new year we’re able to focus on some of the needs of the campus. It makes it easier for the changes that have to be done because we’ve built relationships.
〉Is it hard coming in as principal of a school in the middle of the year?
I don’t know how difficult it was coming in at the middle of the year because it was a lot of observing of the systems in place, building relationships, getting to know the staff and parents and students. It was a lot of that and observing and seeing. The semester was beneficial because it made the beginning of this school year easier than coming in cold. I felt it was beneficial. It wasn’t hard.
〉Did you know you wanted to be a principal when you were an assistant principal?
I don’t think I knew that until one of my principals (Ginger Cole-Leffel at McNutt) said, “You can run your own campus. You’re ready to do that.” She was coaching me up. She saw that in me and was coaching me up for that. When I got to McNutt, she saw that in me.
〉What’s your favorite part about being a principal?
I like problem solving, and I like building relationships. It’s always been fun. I like working with people, inspiring them, encouraging them. I also like problem solving and teaming up with others to come up with solutions. My favorite moments are being with the kids, teachers and parents. Those are the fun times. I also like seeing improvements being made. When you see a change for the positive, that’s the motivation. It keeps you going.
〉What’s the hardest part?
The difficult parts are the difficult conversations you have. But someone has to speak for the kids. That’s what my grandmother used to tell me even when I was little. That was her phrase even when I was little. “Someone has to speak for the kids. Someone has to speak for the children.” I always hear that in my head. It makes those difficult conversations with parents and teachers easier knowing it’s always about what’s best for the kids. Even though that is difficult, that is my motivation to help me through those difficult conversations.