Check out this drone flyover video of the construction of Webb Elementary’s new school building! It’s still early in the construction process, but after months of groundwork, utility installation and preparation, large sections of the foundation are now being poured. The video was shot by Multivista for the construction manager Lee Lewis Inc.
Webb is the first of four school replacements funded by the 2019 Bond, an effort to modernize the district’s schools and revitalize their neighborhoods. Webb’s current site is large enough that the new building is being built on the property while the current building remains open.
Read more about Webb.
Up Next
The next two elementary school replacements aren’t far behind Webb. The old buildings that housed Berry and Thornton elementary schools are now nearly demolished, and new construction will start in early 2022. See photos and read more about Berry and Thornton.
New Crow Photos
At Crow Leadership Academy, the 2019 Bond recently built a classroom addition, a new gymnasium, a new kitchen and a renovated cafeteria. Check out new photos of the spaces and read more.