Arlington ISD offers supports to students in need of services related to drug and alcohol use or misuse. Services include individual and group support, community resource referrals, and school/family connection.
SOS department staff are assigned to school campuses in order to coordinate and provide services to students impacted by issues related to drug and alcohol use or misuse. Our staff work in collaboration with campus staff and other departments to help facilitate student access to resources that may include:
- Case Management
- Individual/Group Counseling
- Community Referrals
Students enrolled with AISD who are in need of services and supports related to drug and alcohol use or misuse.
Students are identified through self-report and through referrals from parents, campus staff, and administrators.
Support services may include:
- Case Management
- Individual/Group Counseling
- Community Referrals
SOS department staff are assigned to campuses and work in collaboration with campus staff and other departments to provide students supports/services as needed. See staff campus coverage and contact information listed in the SOS main web page.