Parents and adult students may notify AISD by contacting the campus where the child is enrolled.
When you withdraw from Arlington ISD to enroll in another Texas public school district, the receiving school will request your student’s records through a state system call Texas Records Exchange (TREx). It is not necessary to hand carry your student’s records to the new school, TREx will electronically transmit your student’s records to their new campus.
When you withdraw from Arlington ISD to enroll in a school outside of Texas or a private school, the new school will usually request records by mail or by phone. Once that request is made, your student’s records will be sent to the receiving school.
Records requests may be made at any time by the parent of the student or by the adult student. In order to ensure a timely response, please note that requests made during the summer months will be subject to campus personnel’s available duty days. Records may be requested online through AISD Records Management.
Students must turn in all issued textbooks, classroom issued books, library books, technology, and return any equipment/uniforms issued from any coaches/directors.