All Aboard for Kindergarten

Blending the wonder of fun with world-class learning opportunities.

Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year is open now!

Access to two STEM labs

Unparalleled fine arts program

Social & emotional learning

Fun woven into every part of the day

After-school care available at every campus

Kindergarten is a magical time in a child's life. This is one of the most important steps of their lifelong learning.


Kindergarten students learn math in engaging and challenging ways. In their learning, creativity is at the center.


Your child will develop an early love of reading through lessons designed specifically for their level.

Fine Arts

Kindergarten students gain access to award-winning fine arts at Arlington ISD. It's never too early to nurture a passion for creativity!

Arlington ISD is committed to making every aspect of your child's experience exceptional.

World-Class Teachers

Arlington ISD kindergarten teachers have the highest credentials with specialized early childhood education training. You child will have true professionals dedicated to their success.

Whole-Child Wellbeing

Academics are one important element of education. But there’s so much more, especially in kindergarten. Children are given the opportunity to recognize and manage their feelings and express their emotions in positive ways.

Outdoor Play

Each campus has two new age-appropriate playgrounds accessible to kids of all abilities, with one reserved for our younger students. These playgrounds feature shade structures and a bouncy surface to ensure every child's safety and fun.

STEM Opportunities

Kindergarteners gain access to two STEM labs at every school! They'll discover the thrill of science, technology, engineering and math concepts. Students engage in hands-on and teacher-guided experiences with fun, creative and innovative lessons.

At Arlington ISD, we love family engagement!

Here are just a few of the ways you can be part of your child's school experience:

From special activities to volunteering in the classroom, there are so many opportunities for you to engage in your kindergartener’s experience!

"Learning is a lifelong journey, and Kindergarten is a vital stepping stone in the education of any child for success in school and in life."

Meet Dr. Jackeline Orsini,
Director of Early Childhood Learning


As a former elementary teacher and school principal, a passionate early childhood educator, and most importantly, a mom of twins who were not-too-long-ago in kinder, I recognize that kindergarten is a stage where kids can fall in love with learning. Children around this age are like sponges; they will absorb a lot of knowledge and skills that they will need later in life. They are curious about the world around them and are driven to learn and explore. Therefore, it is important to support their curiosity by exposing them to as many learning opportunities as possible. Learning is a lifelong journey, and kindergarten is a vital stepping stone in the education of any child for success in school and in life.

Your child is going to get exactly what they need to succeed at Arlington ISD kindergarten. All of our teachers are certified in early childhood education and are fully equipped to teach and nurture your child.

Because your child deserves the best foundation for a lifetime of learning.

We understand sending your child to kindergarten is a big deal. That's why...

  • From dropoff...

    When your child gets to school, they’ll be greeted by an adult who will guide them safely to their classroom.

  • to their classroom...

    In the classroom, they’re with their teachers and classmates, developing relationships and focusing on academics and fine arts.

  • to lunch...

    At lunchtime, teachers accompany students to the cafeteria. Here, they scan their badge and have lunch, under the guidance of cafeteria monitors who are there to assist them if they need it.

  • children-008-512

    to recess...

    Recess gives students the opportunity to go outside and play, supervised by teachers who stay with them on the playground while they work off all their pent-up energy!

Your little one will be cared for by qualified and caring adults every step of the way.

Here's how to get started

Step 1

Answer the questions below to get started registering your kindergartener!

Step 2

Begin kindergarten on the first day of school.

Step 3 (Optional)

Check the eligibility windows for a student transfer and apply online.
We will guide you via email every step of the way once your application is received.

Frequently Asked Questions

How old must my child be to start kindergarten?

In accordance with state law, students who are five years old on or before Sept. 1 are eligible for kindergarten.

If a child is at least six years of age at the beginning of the current school year or has been enrolled in the first grade or completed kindergarten in a public school of another state prior to transferring to the district, they may be enrolled in first grade. (TEC 42.003(c))

What do I need to enroll my child in school?

Parents or guardians of new students will be required to submit the following documents before the start of the school year. You may do this during online registration or provide them later:
  • Birth certificate
  • Photo ID of parent / guardian (driver's license, state or international ID, passport)
  • Current immunization record (click here for Texas Department of State Health Services immunization requirements for K-12 schools)
  • Proof of residence in the school district (lease agreement if renting or contract of sale or a tax statement if purchasing)
  • Last report card or withdrawal form from a previous school district (if applicable)
  • Social Security card (if available)

What are the school days and hours?

All Arlington ISD kindergarten students attend school from 8:10 a.m. – 3:35 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Early Release Hours are 8:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.

What will my child learn in kindergarten?

Students will learn a multitude of social and content concepts and skills. The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for kindergarten identify the skills and concepts that 5-year-olds are expected to know and be able to do by the completion of the kindergarten year. They can be found on the TEA Website.

What school will my child attend?

Students in the Arlington ISD are zoned for a campus based on their home address. Click here to search for your child’s home campus. Parents may request a transfer to a different campus during the district’s designated transfer window. Transfers will be granted based on availability at the requested campus. To learn how to transfer into Arlington ISD, please visit

What if I have more questions or need additional support?

Please contact your campus first, but if you have additional questions, please email the Early Childhood Department at or call (682) 867-9418.

When can I register my child for kindergarten?

Registration for the current school year, 2023-2024, is open.
Online registration begins April 1, 2023, to register for the 2024-2025 school year.

Do I have to live in the arlington isd boundary for my child to attend kindergarten in Arlington ISD?

Arlington ISD welcomes students who reside outside our district boundaries. However, school enrollment may be limited to space availability. Enrollment priority is given to students who reside in Arlington ISD's boundaries. Transfers will be granted if space is available at the requested school during an Arlington ISD transfer window. To learn how to transfer into Arlington ISD, please visit

Do students have nap/rest time in kindergarten?

No, kindergarten students do not have nap/rest time. However, recess and breaks are embedded in the schedule throughout the day.

Is child care available before and after school?

All of our elementary schools offer after-school childcare. Some schools provide childcare before school. Please contact your school for the options at your school.

Is transportation provided to kindergarten students?

Transportation is provided to eligible riders. For more eligibility information, please visit the Arlington ISD transportation website.

¿qué edad debe tener el estudiante para comenzar el kínder?

De acuerdo con la ley estatal, los estudiantes que tengan 5 años el 1 de septiembre o antes son elegibles para kÍnder. Si el estudiante tiene al menos 6 años de edad al comienzo del año escolar actual o ha estado inscrito en el primer grado o completó el kÍnder en una escuela pública de otro estado antes de transferirse a el distrito, entonces podrá inscribirse en primer grado. (TEC 42.003(c))

¿qué necesito para inscribir a mi estudiante en la escuela?

Los padres o tutores de los nuevos estudiantes deberán presentar los siguientes documentos antes del comienzo del año escolar. Puede hacerlo durante el registro en línea o proporcionarlos más tarde:
  • Certificado de nacimiento
  • Identificación con fotografía del padre/tutor (licencia de conducir, identificación estatal o internacional, pasaporte)
  • Registro de vacunación actual (haga clic aquí para conocer los requisitos de vacunación del Departamento de servicios de salud del Estado de Texas para las escuelas K-12)
  • Prueba de residencia en el distrito escolar (contrato de arrendamiento si se alquila o contrato de venta o una declaración de impuestos si se compra)
  • Última boleta de calificaciones o formulario de retiro de un distrito escolar anterior (si corresponde)
  • Tarjeta de Seguro Social (si está disponible)

¿cuáles son los días y horarios escolares?

Todos los estudiantes de kínder de cuatro años de Arlington ISD asisten a la escuela de 8:10 a.m. a 3:35 p.m. de lunes a viernes. Horas de salida temprana: 8:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.

¿qué aprenderá mi estudiante en kínder?

Los estudiantes aprenderán una multitud de conceptos y habilidades sociales y de contenido. Los conocimientos y habilidades esenciales de Texas (TEKS, por sus siglas en inglés) para kínder identifican las habilidades y los conceptos que se espera que los niños de 5 años sepan y puedan hacer al finalizar el año de kínder. Se pueden encontrar en el sitio web de TEA.

¿a qué escuela asistirá mi estudiante?

Los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Arlington se dividen en zonas para un campus en función de su domicilio. Haga clic aquí para buscar el campus de origen de su estudiante. Los padres pueden solicitar una transferencia a un campus diferente durante la ventana de transferencia designada por el distrito. Las transferencias se otorgarán según la disponibilidad en

¿qué sucede si tengo más preguntas o necesito apoyo adicional?

Comuníquese primero con su campus, pero / y si tiene una pregunta adicional, envíe un correo electrónico al equipo de Operaciones del Departamento de Early Childhood a o llame (682) 867-9418.

¿cuándo puedo inscribir a mi hijo para kínder?

La inscripción para el año escolar actual, 2023-2024, continua abierta. La inscripción en línea comienza el 1 de abril de 2024 para inscribirse en el año escolar del 2024-2025.

¿tengo que vivir dentro de los límites geográficos de arlington isd para que mi hijo/a asista a kínder en aisd?

Arlington ISD da la bienvenida a los estudiantes que residen fuera de los límites de la escuela. Sin embargo, la inscripción escolar puede limitarse a la disponibilidad de espacio. La prioridad de inscripción se da a los estudiantes de kínder que residen en los límites del distrito escolar de Arlington. Los traslados solo se concederán si hay espacio disponible en la escuela solicitada durante el tiempo establecido para transferencias o traslados de AISD. Para obtener más información, visite

¿tienen los estudiantes siesta/tiempo de descanso en kínder?

No, los estudiantes de kínder no tienen siesta/descanso. Sin embargo, el recreo y los descansos están integrados en el horario durante todo el día.

¿hay cuido disponible antes y después de la escuela?

Todas nuestras escuelas primarias ofrecen cuidado de niños después de la escuela. Algunas escuelas primarias ofrecerán cuidado de niños antes del comienzo del horario de clases. Por favor comuníquese con la escuela de su comunidad para las opciones disponibles.

¿se proporcionará transportación a estudiantes de prekínder?

Se proporciona transporte a los pasajeros elegibles. Para más información sobre elegibilidad, visite la página electrónica de AISD Transportación.

Sending your child off to kindergarten is so exciting!

Give them the best possible start toward a lifetime of learning with a world-class experience at Arlington ISD.