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Professional Development Center - Drone Photo

Arlington ISD Professional Development Center
1111 W. Arbrook Blvd. Arlington, Texas 76015

Project Overview

The Arlington ISD Professional Development Center will receive a range of lifecycle and condition renovations as part of the 2019 Bond. Construction for the project is scheduled for the fifth and final phase of the bond program, but some of the project is already underway. The fire lane around the building and sidewalks are currently being replaced with new concrete.

Project Details

Phase 5

Start: TBD     Finish: TD



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Bond 2019 logo
AISD Bond 2019 logo

Bond 2019


• Facilities
• Fine Arts
• Safety, Security & Technology
• Transportation

Fine Arts icon
Fine Arts icon

Fine Arts

The fine arts portion includes: theater equipment and black boxes, instruments, visual arts equipment and work surfaces, piano replacements and uniforms for marching bands, drill teams and choirs.

Icon for safety, security and technology
Icon for the Bond 2019's Safety, Security & Technology

Safety, Security & Tech

The safety, security and technology portion includes: additional security cameras and upgraded alarm systems, districtwide communications system upgrade, network infrastructure, device replacements and strategic 1:1 (student devices).

Transportation icon
Transportation icon


The transportation portion of the bond includes new buses, shuttle buses, service vehicles. Also included are new vehicles and trailers for the Dan Dipert Career + Technical Center, the Agricultural Science Center, high school bands and security.

Facilities icon
Facilities icon


The facilities portion includes: new construction, condition needs and life cycle improvements for all schools, new playgrounds at all elementary schools and facility upgrades for fine arts and athletics.