ACCHS SALUtatorian OYINlOLA Alokan
It’s graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight Arlington ISD high schools. Meet Arlington College and Career High School’s salutatorian Oyinlola Alokan.
NAME: Oyinlola Alokan
SCHOOL: Arlington College and Career High School
COLLEGE: University of Texas at Arlington
〉What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?
There are a lot of things I could say, but I would start with really go in with an open mind to experience and learn new things because when you’re close minded and you have made the conclusion that you don’t like math or you don’t like English or you’re not going to try in that class, it restricts you from doing good in that class. Be open minded in anything you do. Be open to getting those experiences. And don’t procrastinate. It’s something that can affect your grades. You should be determined and focused, especially if you have goals for yourself. It’s important to stay focused and determined. You can reach your goals if you’re persistent about it.
〉If you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?
WandaVision. I just like her energy, especially the show she was the main star of. She had to do to get what she wanted. Sure, it wasn’t the right means, because people couldn’t live their lives. She has the power to control her narrative, her story. I think that’s a big thing in this world. We have the power to control how we live, and we should take control and make that happen. Also, she has telekinesis and lasers.
〉What are you most excited about after graduation?
Just to experience new things. It’s kind of scary leaving a sheltered environment and going to a university with new people. It’s that experience you can get, the stories you can tell your kids and everyone as you grow older. You’re making fun memories. It’s very exciting.
〉Who inspires you the most and why?
My parents just because growing up they didn’t have much, and they have done everything in their power to make sure myself and my siblings have a better life than they did. They brought us to America to get an opportunity they didn’t have back home where I’m from in Nigeria. I can take inspiration from that. They dared to be great. They’re inspiring.
〉What’s been your favorite high school memory?
When it was after class and me and my two other friends we were in the library, and we just had taken a test and we were destressing and we were making jokes and watching shows that were funny and thinking about when funny things were happening and we were just laughing at the top of our lungs. I enjoy that because it was a way to come together and destress because exams can be really stressful.