Career Camp gives students a head start
Interested in pasta making, rocket launching or travel planning? It’s never too early to dive into the world of career and technical education (CTE) opportunities in Arlington ISD.
That’s why the district’s second annual Career Exploration Camp was the perfect place for incoming seventh, eighth and ninth grade students to get a head start.
Offering practical experiences in various career fields like culinary arts, web design, robotics, architecture and more, students had the opportunity to engage in 12 CTE programs at the Dan Dipert Career + Technical Center this week.
“We create experiences that kids can’t really get anywhere else,” said CTE coordinator Sara Mahoney. “This is an opportunity for them to figure out if some of these things are something that they want to pursue in high school or even after.”
With help from Arlington ISD’s guidance and counseling department as well as teachers districtwide, the camp strives for two major goals for students – giving them a deeper understanding of CTE programs beyond a course description book and promoting college, career and/or military readiness.
This year, the camp even took it a step further. With additional partnerships like the Travel & Sports Legacy Foundation, Texas Health and the Arlington Police Department, speakers from various organizations offered special sessions for students to engage with real experts in the field.
With schedule planning beginning in eighth grade, the camp aims to help students navigate different career pathways before choosing their classes in high school. But also to have some summer fun!
For incoming eighth grader Isaiah Pineda, the camp delivered exactly that.
“It’s been so fun,” he said. “I like the diverse opportunities that we’ve had; it’ll be really helpful in my future. When I get older, I would like to be an anesthesiologist, so I really want to get into health and science.”
Beyond the exposure to CTE programs, the camp is also a fantastic way for students to connect.
“Meeting new people, making new friendships and learning what other people are interested in, it’s been a cool,” Pineda said.
The program’s diverse schedule ensures something new and exciting for each student every single day, catering to various interests and learning styles.
“That’s what sets this camp apart,” Mahoney said. “With summer camps, a lot of the time they are doing the same thing every day to get better at something,” Mahoney said. “Here, they’re getting a taste of multiple different things. It’s really an exciting way to get the brain working.”
There are many ways to explore the various CTE programs in Arlington ISD. Not sure where to start? Learn more about the opportunities students can take advantage of in high school on the CTE webpage.