Students may earn no more than 4 units of credit in physical education or athletics toward state graduation requirements. An activity fee is required each semester.

Physical Education / Health Courses


PE1208 – Cheerleading
PE1010 – Cheerleading Non Credit

Cheerleaders at each school campus are determined by tryouts held in the spring of the year. Cheerleaders are expected to perform at athletic events and special functions throughout the year. A total of 1 credit may be earned in Cheerleading per TEA guidelines. Beginning with Cohort 2018, courses taken after the 1st credit is earned will be no credit.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: PE1208 , PE1010

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Drill Team

PE1212 – Drill Team
PE1012 – Drill Team Non-Credit

Drill team is a performing group for various athletic activities. Membership is determined through tryouts. A total of 1 credit may be earned in Drill Team per TEA guidelines. Beginning with Cohort 2018, courses taken after the 1st credit is earned will be no credit.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: PE1212, PE1012

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Lifetime Fitness and Wellness

This course offers current approaches for the foundation of personal fitness, physical literacy, lifetime wellness, and healthy living. Students will apply the knowledge and skills to demonstrate mastery of the concepts needed to achieve lifetime wellness. Students will participate in a variety of physical activities for attaining personal fitness and lifetime wellness.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: PE1247

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Partners in PE

This is a physical education course in which students with special needs are partnered with other students to learn about current approaches for the foundation of personal fitness, physical literacy, lifetime wellness, and healthy living. Students will apply the knowledge and skills to demonstrate mastery of the concepts needed to achieve lifetime wellness. Students will participate in a variety of physical activities for attaining personal fitness and lifetime wellness.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: PE1247A

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Skill-based Lifetime Activities

This course offers students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in basic sports skills, basic sport knowledge, and health and fitness principles. Students will experience opportunities that promote physical literacy and lifetime wellness. Students will participate in a minimum of one lifelong activity from each of the following five categories during the course:

  • Target games
  • Striking and fielding games
  • Fitness activities
  • Rhythmic activities
  • Innovative games and activities

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: PE1248

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Skill-based Lifetime Activities Partners in PE

This is a physical education course in which students with special needs are partnered with other students for the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in basic sports skills, basic sport knowledge, and health and fitness principles. Students will experience opportunities that promote physical literacy and lifetime wellness. Students will participate in a minimum of one lifelong activity from each of the following five categories during the course:

  • Target games
  • Striking and fielding games
  • Fitness activities
  • Rhythmic activities
  • Innovative games and activities

Students with special needs will develop health-related fitness and an appreciation for teamwork and fair play. Other students gain insight into students with special needs while the special needs students learn a basic understanding of physical literacy and lifelong activities.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: PE1248A

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Competitive Archery I, II, & III

PE1278 – Competitive Archery
PE1279 – Competitive Archery II
PE1289 – Competitive Archery III

Students will be introduced to and engaged in one of the oldest forms of sport. Students will progressively and systematically be taught the basic concepts of competitive archery. Archery is intended to be a coed activity, therefore, both male and female alike will be competing together for their perspective schools. Archery will be hosted at one central location for all archers in the district. Transportation will be provided to and from the archery facility for students in need of transportation. Archery is offered in multiple periods throughout the day. Students will be expected to practice and or compete outside of the school day. Archery practice will be conducted after school each day that the students have class. Archers will also be expected to attend archery competitions as scheduled by the archery coach. These competitions may include but are not limited to weekend competitions. Archery will follow all UIL guidelines as they pertain to academic eligibility.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: PE1278, PE1279, PE1289

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Lifetime Recreation and Outdoor

This course provides opportunities to develop competency in five or more life-long recreational and outdoor pursuits for enjoyment and challenge. Students will participate in activities that promote physical literacy, enhance self-worth and support community engagement.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: PE1252

Credit: 1/2 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Health I

This course, a study of the physical, mental and emotional functions of the body, emphasizes teenage decisions concerning the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Units on fitness, safety, nutrition and first aid will be included. A three-week unit on human growth and development will be included in this course. It will include units on the role of family, dating, human reproduction, and childbirth, sexually transmitted diseases, and the importance of decision making.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: PE1244

Credit: 1/2 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Advanced Health II

Students will be provided with opportunities for researching, discussing, and analyzing personal and community health issues. Learning experiences will be designed to reinforce positive health behaviors that will reduce health risks throughout their lifespan. The objectives of the course will be accomplished with the use of technology, personal portfolios, mentoring, and community service. The students will develop skills necessary to access their own health information and services and will become health literate.

Prerequisites: Health I

Course Number: PE1245

Credit: 1/2 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 11, Grade 12