High School Course Description Guide

Special Education

Course Options to Meet Graduation Requirements

  • Refer to the general education course descriptions for most courses.
  • Only courses without a general education counterpart will be described in this section.

Courses listed in the General Education (GE) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) column are courses taught in the general education setting in which students are responsible for mastery of all the TEKS. If the course is End of Course (EOC) tested, students in these courses will be assessed with the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) EOC (STAAR) as determined by the ARD Committee.

If a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) requires modifications to course content in order to access the TEKS, the student will automatically graduate on the Foundation High School Plan (FHSP).

Graduating on a FHSP will impact a student’s options for post-secondary education. The three options for courses with modified content are as follows:

  • The General Education (GE) Modified column denotes courses taught in the general education setting in which the student has a content related IEP. The IEP indicates modified content the student requires in order to access the course curriculum.
  • The Special Education (SE) Modified column denotes courses taught in the special education setting in which the student has a content related IEP. The IEP indicates modified content the student requires in order to access the course curriculum.
  • The Special Education (SE) Alternate column denotes courses taught in the special education setting in which the student has a content related IEP. The IEP indicates the student is accessing the course curriculum at the prerequisite skill level.


COURSE General Education Courses Special Education Courses
TEKS Modified (M) Modified (M) Alternate (Alt)
English I LA1210* LAM210* SPLM10* SPLT10*
English II LA1220* LAM220* SPLM20* SPLT20*
English III LA1230 LAM230 SPLM30 SPLT30
English IV LA1240 LAM240 SPLM40 SPLT40

*EOC Tested Course


COURSE General Education Courses Special Education Courses
TEKS Modified (M) Modified (M) Alternate (Alt)
Algebra I MA1220* MAM220* SPMM20* SPMT20*
Geometry MA1245 MAM245 SPMM45 SPMT45
Math Models MA1250 MAM250 SPMM50 SPMT50
Algebra II MA1230 MAM230 SPMM30 SPMT30

*EOC Tested Course


COURSE General Education Courses Special Education Courses
TEKS Modified (M) Modified (M) Alternate (Alt)
World Geography SS1212 SSM212 SPSM12 SPST12
World History SS1211 SSM211 SPSM11 SPST11
US History SS1210* SSM210* SPSM10* SPST10*
Government / Economics SS1220 / SS1230 SSM220 / SSM230 SPSM20 / SPSM30 SPST20 / SPST30

*EOC Tested Course


COURSE General Education Courses Special Education Courses
TEKS Modified (M) Modified (M) Alternate (Alt)
Biology SC1220* SCM220* SPCM20* SPCT20*
Physics or Environmental Systems SC1280 or
SCM280 or
Chemistry SC1250 SCM250 SPCM50 SPCT50

*EOC Tested Course


COURSE General Education Courses Special Education Courses
TEKS Modified (M) Modified (M) Alternate (Alt)
Fine Arts: Art I Varies Varies N/A SPS117
Fine Arts: Art II SPS118
Lifetime Fitness and Wellness PE1247 PE1247 N/A SPS11B
Lifetime Fitness and Wellness: Partners in PE PE1247A PE1247A
Skill Based Lifetime Activities PE1248 PE1248 N/A SPS12B
Skill Based Lifetime Activities: Partners in PE PE1248A PE1248A

** These courses are for students receiving services from the Individuals with Severe and Profound Disability (ISPD) teacher and require approval from the coordinator supervising the program.


COURSE General Education Courses Special Education Courses
TEKS Modified (M) Modified (M) Alternate (Alt)
Reading I LA1273 N/A SPA170 SPAT170
Reading II LA1274 N/A SPA171 SPAT171
Reading III LA1275 N/A SPA172 SPAT172


COURSE General Education Courses
Principles of Human Services CC1250 SPU154 SPE154 SPS11L N/A 1
Interpersonal Studies CC1252 SPU155 SPE155 SPS12L N/A 0.5
Mapping Your Future N/A SPU153 SPE153 SPS12M N/A 0.5
Intro to Culinary Arts CC1254 N/A N/A SPS115 N/A 1
Principles of Hospitality CC4254 N/A N/A SPS116 N/A 1
Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance CC1233 N/A N/A SPS11J N/A 1
Career Prep I N/A N/A N/A (SPS151) SPV151 2
Career Prep II N/A N/A N/A (SPS152) SPV152 2
Money Matters CC1240 N/A N/A N/A SPV140 1

CTED courses are taught by special education teachers and only special education students are enrolled in these courses. For these course descriptions and other CTE course options, refer to the CTE section of the course description handbook.

COURSE Special Education Courses
Alternate (Alt) Local Credits
Activities for Daily Living I SPS14D 1
Activities for Daily Living II SPS14E 1
Activities for Daily Living III SPS14F 1
Activities for Daily Living IV SPS14K 1

These courses provide individualized instruction for acquiring skills for daily living including: nutrition, food preparation, safety and emergency procedures, and personal health issues (hygiene, grooming, dressing, and communicating with health care professionals). Instruction will focus on independent living skills that will facilitate progress in the IEP. Grade Placement: 11-12, 12+


Navigating Life With Hearing Loss

This course will provide the necessary information, resources, and opportunities to empower students who are deaf or hard of hearing to effectively apply information and skills learned in educational, home and community settings in order to facilitate achievement in secondary and post-secondary environments.

Location: Bowie Only

Prerequisites: Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) Coordinator Approval

Course Number: 150

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

DYS Reading I

Evidence-based dyslexia instruction is available only for students with dyslexia who are served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This instruction adheres to the critical components outlined in the Texas Dyslexia Handbook, offering multi-sensory structured literacy instruction. It is explicit, systematic, and intentional in its approach. Students will participate in this course every other day a week for 90 minutes. Students enrolled in Evidence-Based Dyslexia Instruction A, are students needing their instruction in the SIPPS Challenge.

 A course code is not required if the campus schedules this course during intervention/enrichment (I/E) or advisory. Approval from the district’s Section 504/Dyslexia Coordinator is required for the selection of this course code.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: LA1273M

Credit: None

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

DYS Reading II

Evidence-based dyslexia instruction is available only for students with dyslexia who are served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This instruction adheres to the critical components outlined in the Texas Dyslexia Handbook, offering multi-sensory structured literacy instruction. It is explicit, systematic, and intentional in its approach. Students will participate in this course every other day a week for 90 minutes. Students enrolled in Evidence-Based Dyslexia Instruction B, are students needing their instruction in SIPPS Extension.

 A course code is not required if the campus schedules this course during intervention/enrichment (I/E) or advisory. Approval from the district’s Section 504/Dyslexia Coordinator is required for the selection of this course code.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: LA1274M

Credit: None

Grade Placement: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

These are courses that are designed to facilitate progress in the IEP as determined by the ARD committee. Instruction is focused on skills the student needs to facilitate movement towards post- secondary goals. However, these courses are not eligible for state credit to meet graduation requirements.

Adaptive / Study Skills

Adaptive / Study Skills

This course is designed to provide instruction on adaptive and/or study skills for students who are DHH and/or have a visual impairment.

Location: Martin HS or Bowie HS.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPA173 AI & VI Support IV

Credit: 1 Credit

Grade Placement: Grade 12

Functional Academics

Communication Skills

This course provides individualized instruction for acquiring skills in receptive and expressive language (reading, listening, writing, speaking, sign language, pictures/symbol exchange, Assistive/Adaptive Technology devices). Instruction will focus on improving the mode(s) of communication that will facilitate progress in the IEP. This class can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPS15C

Credit: 1 Credit

Grade Placement: After English I-IV

Mathematical Applications

This course is designed to facilitate progress in the IEP in functional skills of mathematics for the workplace and independent living.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPV144

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 12

Mathematical Applications

This course is designed to facilitate progress in the IEP in functional skills of mathematics for the workplace and independent living. This class can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPS14P

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 12

Social / Emotional Skills

Life Management

These courses provide direct teaching, training, and reinforcement of specific skills needed for social emotional competencies. Lessons and materials focus on developing the interpersonal social, emotional, communication, and problem-solving skills needed for students to make progress in the IEP.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPE158 or SPU158

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Community Living

This course provides individualized instruction for acquiring knowledge and skills about local government and community as well as citizenship responsibilities such as obeying laws, voting, and recycling. Instruction will focus on social expectations in community settings that will facilitate progress in the IEP. This class can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPS15G

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: After completing required social studies courses

Independent / Daily Living Skills

Home Living

This course provides individualized instruction for acquiring skills in and maintaining a residence including: managing personal living space, grocery shopping, budgeting, paying bills, and time management (developing hobbies and leisure activities). Instruction will focus on independent living skills that will facilitate progress in the IEP. This class can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPS14H

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 12

Employability / Vocational Skills

School to Work Prep

This course provides classroom based individualized instruction as identified in the IEP in vocational skills including introduction to various occupations, specific tasks required for those occupations, and assessment of vocational aptitude and interests. School to Work Prep can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPS14J

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Neighborhood Experiences

This course provides individualized instruction as identified in the IEP in mobility within the neighborhood community via written instructions and maps. Use of neighborhood resources such as the post office, bank, library, recycling plant, and local stores will also be explored. Neighborhood Experiences can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPS14N

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Community Based Exploration and Training I

This double blocked course is based in the community and provides individualized instruction and support to facilitate the maintenance and generalization of acquired vocational skills identified in the IEP. Students will explore, sample and train in various occupational settings with a job coach.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPS12W

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Community Based Exploration and Training II

This double blocked course is based in the community and provides individualized instruction and support to facilitate the maintenance and generalization of acquired vocational skills identified in the IEP. Students will explore, sample and train in various occupational settings with a job coach. CBET II can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPS14W

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

School to Work Training

This double-blocked course prepares students to enter the workforce by facilitating progress in the IEP in the areas of communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. Students will learn and practice job searching techniques, how to complete job applications based on the requirements of employers and role play job interviewing skills. Additionally, this course provides an opportunity for students to experience real-life work tasks in the community and/ or in the classroom. Supervised job-shadowing develops work-related ethics, social skills, and specific job skills as identified by the IEP.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPV141

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 9

Workplace Introduction

This double-blocked course prepares students to enter the workforce by facilitating progress in the IEP in the areas of communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. Students will learn and practice job searching techniques, how to complete job applications based on the requirements of employers and role play job interviewing skills. Additionally, this course provides an opportunity for students to experience real-life work tasks in the community and/or in the classroom. Supervised job-shadowing develops work-related ethics, social skills, and specific job skills as identified by the IEP.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPV154

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 10

Community Transition I & II

These courses assess students’ interests and aptitudes while assisting them to obtain employment. Students are also provided an opportunity to research a variety of career options based on their individual interests and aptitudes. The primary focus is on obtaining employment and developing a career portfolio.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPV114, SPV115

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: Grade 11, Grade 12

Career Prep I & II VAC

Students combine classroom instruction and employability skills learned to be prepared for success in the workplace. Students are taught job-specific skills applicable to their vocational training, job interview techniques, communication skills, financial and budget skills.

Prerequisites: School to Work Training and Workplace Introduction or School to Work Prep and Community Based Exploration and Training I & II

Course Number: SPV151, SPV152

Credit: 1 Credt Each Course

Grade Placement: Grade 11, Grade 12

Career Prep I & II AC

This course provides instruction for vocational skills to include basic production and assembly skills, cooperative work skills, soft skills and generalized employability skills. Access to this course is determined by the ARD committee and based on a student’s IEP.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPS151, SPS152

Credit: 1 Credt Each Course

Grade Placement: Grade 11, Grade 12

Community Based Transition

Community Based Independent Living

This course is designed to meet the Transition IEP goal in the area of Daily/Adult living. It is taught in a community setting and will support students’ progress toward their individualized post secondary goals as identified by the IEP and transition plan. This class can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPT110

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: 18 PLUSS

Community Based Independent Living

This course is designed to meet the Transition IEP goal in the area of Community Experiences. It is taught in a community setting and will support students’ progress toward their individualized post secondary goals as identified by the IEP and transition plan. This class can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPT120

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: 18 PLUSS

Community Based Vocational Instruction (CBVI)

This course is designed to meet the Transition IEP goal in the area of Employment. It is taught in a community setting and will support students’ progress toward their individualized post secondary goals as identified by the IEP and transition plan. This class can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPT130

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: 18 PLUSS

College Prep

This course is designed to meet the Transition IEP goal in the area of Post-Secondary Education. It is taught in a community setting and will support students’ progress toward their individualized Post secondary goals as identified by the IEP and transition plan. This class can be repeated until a student meets graduation requirements or exceeds age eligibility for special education services.

Prerequisites: None

Course Number: SPT140

Credit: 1 credit

Grade Placement: 18 PLUSS

The focus for grades 9-12 will be for students to satisfactorily complete foundation credit requirements and minimum curriculum requirements identified in the IEP and as determined by the ARD committee. Based on individual needs as determined by the ARD committee, a student may then continue to receive services on a high school campus or in the community.

After four years of high school, if the ARD committee deems the student continues to need services, students may participate in a graduation ceremony without graduating/ terminating services. After meeting foundation credit and curriculum requirements, an ARD committee will graduate students when a student completes the requirements of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and one of the following conditions:

  • Full-time employment and sufficient self-help skills to maintain employment without direct and ongoing support from the school district
  • Demonstration of specific employability and self-help skills that do not require direct ongoing support from the school district
  • Access to services that are not within the legal responsibility of public education or to employment or educational options for which the student has been prepared by the academic program
  • No longer meets age eligibility requirements and has completed requirements specified in the IEP TEC 28.025 (c)