General Information
Please be at your Hub location 10 minutes prior to departure time.
Transportation is only available from Campus to Campus. Neighborhood stops are not available.
AM & PM Departure times may vary by campus.
Transportation will not be provided to the following campus as they are less than 2 miles from Host Campus: Crouch ES, Patrick ES, Burgin ES and Morton ES.
Hubs and Routes by Level
Elementary Programs (Programas de escuela primaria)
*** BEK-1 students that release at 3:15 will have a different route number AM & PM ***
*** BEK-1 los estudiantes que salen a las 3:15 tendrán un número de ruta diferente AM y PM***
K-6 Summer Learning
BEK-1 Afternoon Release
Junior High Programs (Programas de escuela secundaria)
High School Programs (Programas de escuela secundaria)
Traditional High Schools
Hubs and Routes by Level
With very few Elementary riders, hub locations are combined. To ensure students are returned to their proper home campus, colored wristband that correlate with their assigned color school will be provided. We suggest students attach the wristband to their backpack. Students will be excited to see the school bus with a picture of Bluey that matches their wristband!
*** BEK-1 students that release at 3:15 will have a different route number AM & PM ***
*** BEK-1 los estudiantes que salen a las 3:15 tendrán un número de ruta diferente AM y PM***