Arlington ISD’s Board of Trustees meeting last night is in the books, and here are a few of the highlights. Watch the Board Brief from the trustees meeting on Oct. 3, 2024, or read the brief below.
Board Brief from the trustees meeting on Oct. 3, 2024
The evening started with what is a new tradition this year – a student leading the pledge of allegiance. Ellison Coombes, a fifth grader from Jones Academy of Fine Arts and Dual Language, was the leader and did a great job.
Then the board received a very special performance from Thornton Elementary’s Ballet Folklorico. With 32 students from second through sixth grade, there almost wasn’t enough room in the board room. But the student dancers were wonderful, and their costumes were beautiful. Under the direction of Thornton music teacher Tamara Edwards, the students presented their signature arrangement of “Los Machetes.” The dance was a great way to continue Arlington ISD’s celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.
Following the performance, the board honored October’s student of the month, Lilliana Bholan, a senior at Arlington College and Career High School. Lilliana has been busy in high school. In fact, she completed her associate degree at Tarrant County College before she even started her senior year in high school! Now she is taking dual credit courses at UT Arlington. At ACCHS, Lilly is a member of student council, the National Honor Society and Key Club, and she volunteers at Mission Arlington and her church. Lilly hasn’t settled on her college choice yet, but she does plan to become an elementary teacher. Congratulations, Lilly!
Then the board presented the Community Partner Award of Appreciation to the Arlington ISD Education Foundation. Since 1994, this volunteer-led organization has supported the district in so many ways, including their annual grants to innovative teachers in the district. Last year, the Arlington ISD Foundation awarded a record total of $253,956 to 40 teachers and teaching teams for their projects. Thank you, Arlington ISD Foundation.
One of the presentations the board heard during the meeting shared the results from the district’s annual employee survey. The district does these surveys to gain insight in how to address pressing teacher concerns and foster a positive work culture for all staff.
Then the board approved updated HB3 goals and the District Improvement Plan’s performance objectives. Board policy requires the district to develop, evaluate and revise this plan annually. The plan’s purpose is to guide staff in the improvement of student performance for all student groups.
Among the many items on the agenda for the meeting were several related to the 2019 Bond program. In a nutshell, the board approved the methods of procurement for the bond-funded projects at Wilemon and Cravens fields and the 30 campus projects in phases four and five of the 2019 Bond program. There isn’t time in a Board Brief to go into specifics about these methods of procurement, but there are descriptions of them in the board meeting packet.
Those are just a few of the highlights from tonight. If you would like more details on any of these, or any of the items not covered in this Brief, please click here to watch the entire meeting.